"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Saturday 9: Feels like the First Time (1977)


To my readers:  Happy New Year!

I am trying to figure out why the SIZE of the post font seems to change almost daily.  It's a work in progress but eventually the path to all the elements and the changes will stop the overwriting that's happening.  Sorry to be making anyone crazy with it.  It's been difficult to follow the bread crumbs through the maze of post Google Blogger challenges to the editor.


Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Welcome to the first Saturday 9 of 2021! 

1) Look up from your screen. What's the first thing you see?  A Christmas Card from my Niece.

2) Looking back on 2020, what surprised you?  trump getting his keester handed to him, and the virus that is no joke.

3) Have you made any resolutions for 2021? 

1. I mean to get control over my crafting areas, same as last year but without a broken shoulder or any other obstacle. 

2.I've resolved to be ultra careful.

4) In Italy, it's said that if you wear red underwear on New Year's Eve, you'll have good luck all year around. Do you have a lucky charm? No, but we do follow the Swedish custom of making sure that the first taste in the New Year is a sweet one.  So, we eat a piece of fudge or other candy upon the stroke of midnight. It's been a tradition for our family for quite awhile after I read about it in my Sunset Magazine so many moons ago.
5) In Spain, some New Year's Eve revelers believe that, at the stroke of midnight, you should eat exactly 12 grapes, one at a time and one right after the other, to bring you luck for the next twelve months. Did you have anything special on your New Year's Eve menu?

Spaghetti Olio with Vegan Meatballs and Parmesan

It was delicious.  

6) In this week's featured song, Foreigner lead singer Lou Gramm lets us know that he'd sail across a stormy sea to reach his true love. How is the weather where you are today? Are you kicking off 2021 under calm skies, or is it stormy?  It's sunny out and cold today.  And, we didn't get any rain overnight but, a couple of days ago, it rained quite a lot. 
7) In the 1990s, Gramm joined forces with Billy Joel in a series of concerts to preserve the Montauk Point Lighthouse. Do you have a favorite Billy Joel song? Billy Joel is one of my favorite singer/songwriters, but this one is likely my favorite: "I Love You Just the Way You Are"

To my darling.....

 I would like to send LOVE 💖 LOVE 💋LOVE 💘 to the Blogger Crew for creating/reworking an "Add a Video" tab in the editor that actually works.  

Thank you!

8) In 1977, when this song was popular, Star Wars was breaking all box office records. The Spy Who Loved Me, a James Bond movie, was also a hit. If you were going to binge on one of these film series, would you choose Star Wars or Bond?

Star wars used to appeal to me a lot when I was younger, but now, the Bond movies would win this contest.  I guess that now, I think we are more in danger from ignorance right on Earth than in outer space.  I can't see Outer Space being our natural evolution, since we keep DE-volving into real wars right here on Earth. Actually, I'm sick and tired of the Saber Rattling that's been going on my entire life! 

9) Random question: Would you rather have nothing but green lights for all of 2021, or never have to stand in line for anything all year?  My biggest concern is that everyone will very soon get to stand in a line to get their vaccinations, especially the young who seem to be the ones who will have to wait until the last.  Well, Then we can have a green light!


Want to join in?  See other offerings?  Go HERE 


Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Oh, your spaghetti looks good! I've been craving Italian food lately. My doctor has advised me to be very careful adding dairy back to my post-covid diet, but boy, when I can have cheese again ...

  2. Yes the Spaghetti looks really good. I have not had it in long time. I like the font you are using. Happy New Year!

  3. Mmmmm, that dinner is giving me ideas....grocery shopping today!

  4. Oh my, I sure hope you don't have to contend with a broken shoulder or anything else painful this year! And I hope you get your crafty stuff organized and under control...I've been working on all that during these months at home. Your spaghetti does look good. So good I'd even give the vegan meatballs a try!

  5. What a nice custom.
    I have to remember it for next year.

  6. My cousin's family makes a Spaghetti cake every New Year

  7. Your spaghetti does look really good! I love your answer to #3. I love the idea of bringing in the New Year with something sweet. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  8. I like that custom. And I hadn't even noticed the add video button, so thanks for the heads up!

  9. Please no broken bones in 2021!! Loved the thoughtful response to #8.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..