"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Sunday Stealing: January

 Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. 
This  feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal  all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and 6 intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

If you would like to join in, go HERE

Thanks Bev for this  meme every week.  
1. What are your plans for January?  I plan to stay sane and stay healthy. And what ever ELSE it may take to survive.  I live in the moment...... unless.....
 24 Seriously Funny and Popular Parenting Memes - Mothering | Funny quotes,  Yoga funny, Friday humor
2. What do you want to see happen in 2021?  I want to see everyone, who wants one, to get their vaccinations before they get sick.  The scarcity of the vaccine could create a battleground. 
3.  What would you give a 5 star rating? My County, for recognizing the threat of this thing early on, and doing it's level best to keep the count of cases down. 
4. Do you have writing goals for 2021? No, I don't.
5. How do you feel about memoirs?  I like to read them if they are from a person I'm genuinely interested in.  
6. If you could join any musical group who would you choose?  My voice is shot.  I can open my mouth for the high notes I used to be able to sing, I can hear the note in my head but cannot produce it.  I'm not going to be doing any more singing.
7. What are your favorite genres across all media?  I like to read all History, Autobiographies, books on Economics, Political Science, as well as Thrillers, or anything in mysteries, from some pretty silly cozy mysteries to some deadly serious mysteries.  I also like to read books about animals studies and a few authors who write fiction here and there.  Not many but there are a few...
8. What candle scents are your favorite? I like Patchouli the best. Sandalwood, Bay, and Pine scents appeal to me, too. 
9. How well can you mimic other accents or voices?  I'm good at it, or was.  I haven't done it in awhile.  I used to do a lovely Jimmy Carter.  I admire that man to no end.
10. What books are on your TBR list in 2021?  I have over a thousand in my ebooks and twenty five at least in print. I am planning on reading about a third of them this year.
11. When do you decide it’s time to upgrade/buy something new?  When the old one breaks.  Though I would really LOVE to have a new Serger.  I'd almost kill for a new Serger.. *thinks about it*
12. Why is your favorite color your favorite color?  Because, though I can't really wear it, it is the color I always want to look at.  It's lurking in the tulips in the side bar....
13. Who understands you the best?  My hubby.
14. Do you write letters? I love to write letters.  The problem is that they are so slowwwwww.... my two oldest pen pals - one in Turkey and one in Tasmania -  and I correspond by email now. 
15. How do you keep going when times are hard?  Once you lose a child, the rest of life has NO chance In HELL to do you in. 
I'm supremely confident that my mother knew this, and that some others may feel this way as well.  
It changes you.  It makes you think that you survived the worst already. 
And, so you put one foot in front of the other until you arrive in a place of Peace.  

I am SO LOOKING FORWARD TO MAY 11th!  Ta Ta! my little Sunday Thieves.  Go raid that cookie jar!
Every day is “eat what you want day”…because we are grown-ups and food is  beyond good and evil – FIT IS A FEMINIST ISSUE



  1. I especially love your answer to #10--I have about 1600 ebooks and my goal this year is to not buy as many ebooks/audiobooks and take advantage of the online libraries.

    1. I'll join you and be one of your "support" team if you need one. There is a way, though I'm not totally sure how it works, of sharing e-books bought at Amazon with a friend.

      You do have a quite a few more than I do. I was a bit shocked when finally adding them all up. This must stop!

      Our libraries, County and City, have ebooks for loan, too. It's time for my mania subside.

  2. I am hoping that the school will bring in a team to vaccinate the staff for covid that wants it. They do that with the flu shot. Loved your answers. Have a nice day.


    1. And I hope that you get the shots because what good does it do if our teachers can't be safe? It's MAD not to inoculate them as first line workers. after all, there are parents who will refuse to let their children be inoculated. grrr

  3. I have a lot of books on my kindle that I will probably never get to. But who knows.

    1. You never know. I think you'll get to read them, that is if you still want to. Who knows? Maybe there will be online book clubs(if there aren't already) or something established. Zoom might be the way to do it. I'd join a Zoom club or knitting chat. Maybe the knit shops could have one. Parliamentary rules would apply. Lol...BIG Hats will be a MUST!

  4. National Eat What You Want Day - I love it. I might start canvassing to have that in the UK too.





I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..