"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Saturday 9

The Bones (2019)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Readers:  If you go HERE you can see other offerings from the whole gang.

1) They lyrics compare a relationship to a house, saying that despite superficial problems like peeling paint or broken glass, the foundation can still be solid and strong. What home improvement project is next on your list?  Paring back my craft supplies for things I will not ever be doing anymore.

2) Maren Morris sings that she knows she and her lover can face any storm. Are you afraid of thunder and lightening?  I am not.  I love storms.

3) The video for this song shows Maren and her husband, singer/songwriter Ryan Hurd, on the beach in Maui. Would you rather go for a long walk along a beach or a hike in the woods?  Rather?  I would rather go hiking especially in a forest,  but I love being close enough to go down to the Ocean whenever I want to.
4) "The Bones" won Morris and her collaborators (Jimmy Robbins and Laura Veltz) the 2020 CMA "Song of the Year" Award. Here's your chance to pat yourself on the back. What's something you have done well lately? (Go ahead. We want to hear about it!)  I'm happy about some things I've been working on but the threads are still being gathered.  We'll see...

5) The song was also nominated for a Grammy for Best Country Song. For the awards show last month, Maren put a lot of work into her look, including lightening her hair and lipstick and reshaping her brows. She was surprised when saw on social media that people confused her with reality star Khloe Kardashian. How long does it take you to prepare to face the world (on an average day, not for an internationally telecast awards show)?  About 10 minutes.  Brush and twist up my hair, fasten it with a clip, wash my face, and E, Voila!
6) Experimenting with hair and makeup comes naturally to Maren. Her parents have owned the same hair salon for decades. She and her sister played there as children and took turns working the reception desk when they were in high school. Do you have a hair appointment scheduled?  No.
7) Mom and Dad do not go out of their way to play Maren's songs in their salon. They don't want to "bombard" clients with her music, just because she's their daughter. But, if one of Maren's songs happens to come on, they are naturally very proud. Where were you the last time you had to listen to someone else's choice of music? (Bank, doctor's office, friend's car, etc.) Did you enjoy it, or did you wish you could change the station?  I don't listen to the music.  But if I did change it, It would all be "Foreigner", "Doobie Brothers", and "Chicago"...
8) Maren says her favorite foods are tacos and tortillas. When did you most recently eat Mexican food?  My Hubby made us Quesadillas, last night. 

9) Random question: What do you call that thing in your living room? Is it a sofa, couch, or a davenport?  There's a Hide-a-bed, and we call it a sofa. 

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!


 Thanks so much, Sam!  This is always fun.. 



  1. I think it's great that you enjoy storms. My grandmother used to remind me that there is beauty in all seasons, even spring storms.

    Quesadillas would be great for lunch today.

    1. We have a beautiful planet to live on. I always wonder what it would have been like, here on Earth, if that big asteroid hadn't reached out and knocked the moon off and left a bunch of water to fill in the place with an Ocean. That's my version of Genesis. lol

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. I could knit to that! And, I think they might sell more if they played that in the malls. *Batts Eyelashes*

  3. One of the things that I miss about the NH cottage was watching the storms come the lake and the sun coming out behind the storm.

    1. I'd miss that, too. *sighs*
      The Sun playing off the ocean, or setting into it, is also incredibly beautiful. I like to be down by the ocean when the sun sets... It's heavenly.

  4. We get a lot of storms here, so I am used to them and not afraid of them either. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


    1. Thanks for the weekend wishes, Lori. Hope you have a very pleasant weekend as well.

  5. #4--I'd love to see your projects.

    1. I'll be sure to post progress. First, the manly beastly flat knitting... I'm still thinking I'll just go to the local yarn shop that has classes for wayward projects (Stitch'n'Bitch style) and get that thing straightened out. It would have happened but for the pandemic. I fear for the little knit shop here ...

  6. 1970s music! Nothing like it. Best music era ever. Sounds like you're decluttering like I'm trying to do. I'm not very effective at it.

    1. Isn't 70's Music the BEST! Love it!
      And yes, like you, I am decluttering. It's still early days because this business stuff has already been through the process a couple of times, and is now down to things that can't just go into a rubbish bin.... I'm sure you have things like that so you know how slow going the process is. I'm sure that, as a creative writer, it's hard for you to let go of anything you've written down that could spark another story or poem.

  7. The music of my teenage years....love it!

    1. I was a young mother at that time, but I understand the excitement. It took a few years for Rock and Roll to gain the center stage from Crooners and Doo-Opp groups but it did. Best Music ever! Well, there is Folk and Old Timey, both of which are great.

  8. doobie brothers and chicago! yes!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..