"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sunday Stealing: "Journal Buddies"

Sunday Stealing

And away we Go!







Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves! 


from here...

Stolen from Journal Buddies. 


1. When do you feel the world will stop?  Well, then... there is the biblical thing and the Scientific thing... I'm going with scientific.  The World, a creation of man,  is going to end when the Earth, a creation of God, is  no longer habitable by air breathers.  Anyone who has kept up with current events has a pretty good idea of the HOW of it. 

2. What is your personal motto?  From the I Ching: "If kindness is recognized as your virtue, you have achieved your purpose entirely". So, boiling it down, it is to Judge no one, and Be Kind. Of Course, this doesn't apply to grifters and Con Men. They can all boil in oil for their crimes.

3. What is the greatest gift you ever received? Our family is the best thing that happened to me.  The kids may not think it was so hot growing up with me for a mom, but the part of receiving a "gift" ... that's how I feel about them.

4. Who is a leader who inspires you? Currently?  I am inspired by Angela Dorothea Merkle.  And the King of Bhutan.  They are neck and neck.....

5. What irrationally annoys you more than anything else? SSSSLooooowwww internet and my dorky old iPad.  I'm hating it more and more. I just haven't managed to drop it hard enough to make it morf into a new one.

6. What small thing can always bring you a bit of joy? Things... it takes a village these days... Kittens playing, Puppies playing and human kidlets laughing. Ponies, especially the little teeny ones, playing around in the paddock.

7. What is your favorite thing to do on a lazy day? Two things.  Knit (while watching old series on Prime or Netflix)  and the other is to read one of my books.

8. How often do you take risks? As gently as I can I will tell you that I've learned most things about RISK the hard way, and I have diligently  worked to reduce risk to nil.

9. Write about your happiest memory,  A single happiest memory is really not going to do it.  But I will tell you about when I caught my very first fish ( a small sunfish) while fishing with Grandpa, my aunties, and my cousins. I was four. Grandpa wanted to put my little fish in with the other ones in the ice chest, and I just wanted to hold it all the way home. I still remember the look of love and amusement on my grandpa's face. That's the thing I'm grateful for, having the sort of memory that I have.

10. How long do you think it will be before we see a female president? It shouldn't be long, as long as politics doesn't keep women from uniting on the hope of a better life for the children of the nation -  not to put too fine a point on it.

11. Do you think it’s important to be part of a community? Yes, I do  Why? Because we can do amazing things together, when we unite in common cause, that's why. Why not? Yes, I say, Why not?

12. What piece of modern technology are you most grateful to have. The Cell Phone. Especially the ones that take badass photos and videos. Yay!

13. Do you feel anonymous on line?  I've tried to be so, but no. It was doomed from the start of wanting to use Google maps when traveling.  It, anonymity,  was a lost cause for the most part.

14. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have never gotten around to.  I did, at one time, want to travel to India and to China and Tibet.

15. What would life be like without the internet?  I think it would be a lot less chaotic. My experience goes back to IRC and Bulletin Boards.  This doesn't mean that I think that Email is bad, it's one of the best things to come out of it all. But I regret that places like Facebook and maybe Instagram started to get so nosey.  Now we have all this egregious profiling going on. 

Thanks to all of you who read this far!  I need to attach a downloadable sticker for you!  As soon as you click the link, it will start reading your browsing history.. lol 

455 BEST Nosey Neighbour IMAGES, STOCK PHOTOS & VECTORS | Adobe Stock
Adobe Stock Image.  It may vanish in twelve seconds... 1... 2...3...

If you would like to join in the Sunday Stealing fun, go HERE

Thanks Bev, for all the Sunday Stealing fun! 

About the Doggie...Wolfie is on the mend and I am a whole lot happier.  First day of medicine .. once a day for a month.  The Vets want this thing GONE!

TaTa my friends!



  1. I like Angela Merkel too - amazing woman. If you like her, check out New Zealand's Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern - she's amazing too - even gave birth while Prime Minister. Seen her country through grim times with integrity and honour.

    1. Thank you Pandora. She is an amazing PM! She just clamped things down and saved many, many lives. She’s been described as a “Force of Nature”. New Zealand is so lucky. We had a super bozo who dropped the ball. It’s just a good thing that the State governments have a lot of power.

  2. Merkel is an amazing woman. And I love you answer to #9

  3. I LOVE your answers. Funny thing is I didn't do the questions today but they have led to an interesting insight into all of you who did answer them

  4. Knitting and reading--maybe add in a nap--and that's my perfect lazy day, too!

  5. I haven't been to India or Tibet (and have no desire to go there), but I did enjoy our time in China.

  6. I love your motto! It's a good one. I had to laugh about IRC... I remember those days well. I was a big user of ICQ. My husband still remembers his ICQ number!!

  7. Yes, the constant following around is painful. Having a conversation with someone about something and then having said something turn up in an ad on FB is downright scary.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..