"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Sunday Stealing: Navy Wife


 Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. What was your proudest moment:  I've had many, but the most recent was the day that my daughter graduated from Berkeley.

2. What is your favorite childhood memory? Living at my grandparents' farm and going into the woods with my two young aunties -they were twelve and I was three- and the other little cousins in order to gather wild onions and celery for Grandma.
3. Describe your dream vacation. RVing up the west coast through Oregon and Washington, then going all the way to the Canadian Border.  We would cross, and then driving their Long continental highway all the way across to to the East Coast, and coming back in to the states at Maine, and visiting all the people along the way in Canada (like  ..Pina... Whom I adore) and also my nephews, and their families, and Kwizgiver in Maine. 
After that, we would come all the way back across the upper states through Montana, maybe stopping beforehand in Chicago and meeting up with some friends there... And, then, after Montana and Wyoming, we would travel all the way down through the valleys on the western side of the Rockies, and stop at Convict Lake at the base of the Sierras.  From there we would come home, down the back side of the Sierras.
4. Do you see yourself as an optimist, pessimist, or realist?  Why?  I'm now a pessimist. Why?  I've lived a long time with hope, and now, pretty much I don't think humans can extract themselves from their own racial fanaticisms.  We are all one race, the DNA says so.  God has said so...   I want to shout, "GEESUS KeyRiced People, Just get over yourselves!"
5. What is something you wanted to do as a child, but never got to do.  I wanted to learn to play the piano.  And I wanted to sing in a church Choir. 
6. What board game do you hate the most?  I never play a game I hate. So, I'm not sure?

7. Describe the worst haircut you ever got.  The one I got just before I started just cutting my own hair because I could never get a good pixie cut .. I love Pixies.


Courtesy of Noel Vasquez
I can give one of these to myself so it made me happy.

8. What’s the worst job you ever had? Working in a yarn shop.  The boss was a sadistic, tyrannical b*tch.  We could never sit down to do anything, even during inventory and counting stuff that was on or near the floor.  Or, we weren't allowed to sit, even if we were knitting to show off all the great things the store offered, like classes.  

The boss at the other shop, own by the same people, was shocked when I told her what was going on and why I quit a job that I otherwise loved. 

9. What is one thing you want to be remembered for?  Verity.  I am ultra committed to The Truth.

10. On a scale of 1-10, what is the highest level of pain you’ve ever experienced?  A 9, and this is because I never passed out when I broke my wrist, shoulder or elbow.  that should be a 10.  However, only a 10 would be the acceptable answer to childbirth, even though on my own scale, it seemingly only rates a 9.  We'll give it a 13. 

11. What fashion trend do you wish would go away?  The big butt thing.

12. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had One that predicted the future, and was right.  Enough said about that though. It was non-political. 

13. What are 2 weaknesses you have.  I can't ask anybody who wouldn't be immediately suspicious so I'll have to guess.  I am weak to ice cream and to Bling.

14. How would you spend your 100th birthday?  This is impossible to answer because I know I'm not going to get to 100. Ok.. If I get to 100, I would like to have a day to spend  eating ice cream and cake until I didn't want it anymore. I'd also have a sort of an Indian Potlatch of crafting junk and anything else I've not previously donated or given away.  As one jokester said, "He died penniless. [long pause]  What a budget!"

15. What food/drinks would you pack in a picnic basket?  Drinks go in to an ice chest, and so do all the foods like a potato salad,  and ham sandwiches and pickles.  So, into the basket would go a fruit pie, potato chips, Fritos, and pretzels. 

Darn it!  I am hungry now.. 

Go PEEK at this week's Sunday stealing blog for the link to all the other Thieves.  

Long Live the Thieves!  ARR!


  1. I think I might like to hire an RV and drive around America - it would be something I could on my round the world trip (if I ever win the lottery).




    1. Winning the lottery would be good for many reasons. By the way, we’ve seen many groups from Europe who were traveling the states in RVs they had shipped here by boat. Many of them then sold the RVs to a dealer before going back.

  2. Oh--that would be so much fun to have you visit me in Maine!!!!

    1. Yippie skippie! Let’s do this. If we get across Canada on their long highway, we will visit you. I’ll bring chocolate from Québec! And my latest knitting. 👍🏻😍👏🏻

  3. You must really like to drive!

    I have not had my hair cut in a year and am getting it cut next week...I am getting a pixie cut. It's what works best for me.

    1. Pixies are lovely. I think I’ll get one before summer.
      Yes, I love to drive. I’ve driven since I was 13, in the deserts and other wastelands(riverbed- the San Gabriel riverbed was full of kids like me driving around in pick ups.) and other places when I got my listened at 16. We became nomadic in the mid 80’s. I like the Gypsy life.

  4. I won't get to see you on that trip, Virginia is a long way down from the New England states. Sounds like a lovely drive, though, and you should hit Maine & Vermont when the leaves are changing, yah?

    1. The iPad is up to its old tricks again... But I just want to say.. I wouldn’t leave you out of this rota! No no no....❤️


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..