"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Ripping through the sewing room... One tiny Victory of Chaos at a time...


As you can see, I'm still struggling with Blogspots little quirky ways... I'm sorry the body text is so small.  

I'm beginning to understand just how screwed up my back really is.  I can work for about 15 minutes without resting it. Since the next birthday is 79, (wth?)  I think the horse will finally win in crippling me.  I'm sure the brute is long dead, but his handy work lives on. 

Items of work...

I'm donating tiny Jazzie's ring shaped bed.  It's going to the humane society for their little dogs.  And, I found a long lost tool from a stalled attic fan project.  Also, I have to empty a couple of bookcases of magazines that are no longer useful or out of style.  Whatever that means to me... I wear a lot of stretch yoga pants and t shirts these days. I've also lost a TON of weight so I'm able to wear all my old dresses.  Yay Me!

Since everything got thrown at this poor room and I quit wanting to do anything but watch cooking/baking shows and eat ice cream, there is a lot to be done.  It goes WITHOUT SAYING THAT I DO NOT NEED TO BUY ANOTHER SKEIN OF YARN IN MY LIFE!

Well, I do need some Sportweight, but not a literal TON of it,  Yes, I did achieve the coveted  SABLE yarn amount in my own lifetime.  I have spawned only two knitters.. correction noted. The twins both knit.  My eldest daughter crocheted.  She made the beautiful mottled green doily featured in the way back on this blog. Maybe I'll find it soon enough to deleted this part of my exhausting monolog post but if you are reading this, I didn't.    

Thursday:  I want to do the Saturday 9 this week and next week and until I literally turn up my toes.  I am grateful that it is published early for laggards like me to be able to work on it for a couple days before "Flipping the Switch" on to the Linkie.  Thank you SAM!  Sunday is not possible, it just is not. 

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..