"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Saturday 9: Kiss

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9

questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!


Dear Readers, If you would like to play along, or see other posts for this Saturday9, go HERE

Saturday 9: Kiss (1986)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this week's song, Prince insists there's no particular sign he's more compatible with. Do you take astrology seriously? Once upon a time, when I still believed the Universe was not hostile, I did.  That was a LONG time ago. hehehe

2) He tells his prospective lover there's no need to be flirty. Are you a good flirt? I've never flirted in my life.  So, I guess I'm likely to be very BAD at it.  

Image is from the Movie, "Flirting with Danger"

3) He refers to the nighttime soap opera Dynasty. Were you a fan? 

Ah.. no, not even in the World of Reruns.  

4) "Kiss" was recorded at Sunset Sound Recorders in Hollywood. Built by Walt Disney Studio, it's the studio where the soundtracks to Mary Poppins and 101 Dalmatians were recorded. When you think of Disney movies, what's the first song that comes to mind?  

I think it's beautiful, though Christopher Plummer dubbed it, "The Sound of Mucus".  Such a PITA, that man.  Bahahahaha  But I love him.  Or should that be, "loved"?  I can almost hear him popping up in the background saying, "I'm not dead yet!" Monty Python style.  "Bring out your DEAD!"  Wasn't he Hunky?
Photo C/O of Vanity Fair

5) Prince said he was "obsessed" with Mozart and read everything he could find about the master. Do you often read biographies? If yes, who was the last one about? Yes, I have read a lot of them in the past.  However, I'm reading a lot of political stuff, and other non-fiction right now.  I have read Memoirs lately, but that should actually be under the classification of '"Fiction" in many cases.  

6) He loved snacking while watching a movie in the theater and would mix Goobers (chocolate-covered peanuts) with his popcorn. When you go to the movies, do you visit the concession counter?  Oh man, I wish I'd thought about mixing Goobers into my popped corn. Sheesh!  What a great idea!

Any way... I haven't been to a theater in decades but I would choose popcorn when I did go. 

7) In 1986, when this song was popular, Peewee's Playhouse premiered. While ostensibly for children, this show had many, many adult viewers. Do you ever watch kids' shows today? Ahhhhh... that would be a "no" .  I'm old enough to have already gone through my second childhood twice already and now I just want to be an irresponsible teenager.   I didn't get to be one the last time through....in days of yore, you know.. the Year 1.  I did get to shake hands with Methuselah.   That was pretty cool. 

8) Also in 1986, Sears shoppers were painting their interior walls with "Country Clover," a pale beige with a hint of pink. What color is the room you're in right now?  It's a beautiful fern green, with curtains I made out of sheets from Sears, that are a print of trees and their leaves with the sun shining through them. 

9) Random question: Do you enjoy pressing the pedal to the metal and driving fast? Oh He🏑🏑 yes.  I don't do it anymore because, well, you see we have a tippy little four x four now.  And it's not any fun at all. 

Thank you Sam!  This is always a lot of fun.  Now I am going to go play a game with race cars in it. 


  1. I never realized "Sound of Music" was a Disney film.

  2. I agree: Goobers mixed with popcorn does sound divine.

    1. heehee and now I want some. I wonder if they sell them anywhere? ;-)

  3. #6 I also haven’t been in a movie theater in ages. I think the last time was when they showed Metropolis a 1927 silent German film directed by Fritz Lang and they had a live band in the theater.

    1. Oh you mean you have have a special theater? That would be majorly cool! :o)

  4. I like to drive fast too. I always have. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥


    1. Zoomie Zoom! Have a great week teaching the youngins! PSI always wanted to drive race cars.

  5. I haven't been to a theater in a while, either. Speeding does make a difference depending on the car.

    1. Theaters are more than I can stand now. But I love the giant screen and miss that part. Oh yes, the car is of paramount importance in speeding. lol

  6. #8--your room sounds inviting and comfortable.

    1. It's lovely in there. I have my knitting in there as well. The only thing lacking is a big screen TV on the wall. Maybe Santa will bring one? lol... as if....I'm sure I'm on the naughty list for my political rants.. But, you only live once, if you are lucky that is... ;o)

  7. I love Sound of Music. Great film, glad you enjoy it.

    1. You love it too! Yay! It's a beautiful film. I'm going to watch it again soon. My Happiness Quotient needs the boost.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..