"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Saturday9: Peggy Lee: "Pass Me By" (1965)


Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it HERE

1) In this song, Peggy Lee tells us she wiggles her toes in the sand. Have you been to the beach yet in 2023? Do you expect to wiggle your toes in the sand when you're on vacation this year?  Ah that would be a no.  We are retired and can go anytime we want to.  But we don't usually go to the shore in summer because it's usually jam packed with seasonal visitors.  This is great.  We are fine with it.

 2) She also sings that contemplating nature can be fascinating. What flora and fauna can you see from your window as you answer these questions?  My computer faces a wall in the office and in summer, when the window to the side of it is open, I can see cape honeysuckle plants and the top of a lime tree.  

3) With this song, she's telling everyone to take her as she is or leave her be. Does that reflect your attitude? Or are you a "people pleaser" who worries what others think of you?  I don't worry about anything but good manners and kindness.  I also just try to be polite and myself.  I don't have any pretenses - my mother was this way as well.  In her year book from high school, she was described as "sweet and unpretentious".  I can't say I am regarded, necessarily as sweet, though my hubby thought I was when we met  (poor guy).  But, I am forthright, and unpretentious, so I got at least one of mother's good attribute's. 

4) These lyrics were written by Carolyn Leigh. She began her career as an advertising copywriter but, since she showed a flair for poetry and rhymes, she was urged by a music publisher to write lyrics. Have you ever tried your hand at poetry?  I've enjoyed writing poetry, and I also like to write songs, when the lyric sprite inspires (bites) me.  Mostly I've sung a bit at Campfires in the mountains and deserts at a few singalongs, and I shared a little of it.  If it all dies with me, it's no great loss but what little I did was fun to do. 

5) This song was composed for the 1964 movie Father Goose, starring Cary Grant. Are you a fan? Do you just vaguely know the name? Or are you wondering what a Cary Grant is?  I know who he is, and I do really like his work.  "Arsenic and Old Lace", because it's funny, 

 And... "The Bishop's Wife" With co-star, Loretta Young, because it's sweet, a very good storyline, and gets the season off to a semi spiritual start.  There are others...

6) This was a top-20 hit for Peggy Lee. As a girl in North Dakota during the 1930s, Peggy lived above the train station where her father was depot agent. Today that depot is home to a museum which features a Peggy Lee Exhibit. Have you recently visited a museum?  No, I haven't.  The last one was the King Tut exhibit in San Francisco.  We used to go all the time but I don't really enjoy museums anymore.  I'm thinking it is an age related thing.  Besides, you can't touch anything anyway.  I can see things better on my monitor.  I'd bet there are sites where you can pick up King Tut and Twirl him around in the air to see the backside. Now giant aquariums, I'd go to those again.

 7) Designer Bonnie Erickson was also grew up in North Dakota and used her girlhood idol as the inspiration for her most famous creation: Miss Piggy. A diva with flowing blonde hair and jewelry, the puppet was originally called Miss Piggy Lee. As the character gained in fame with The Muppets, the name was shortened to Miss Piggy because Bonnie didn't want to offend Peggy Lee, whom she genuinely admired. Tell us something you have done recently to spare someone's feelings.  I haven't done anything that hurt anyone's feelings.  I do know that if I ever got a face to face with Putin, the fur would fly.  😆😁  I'm not that much of a sufferer of fools. 

8) While Peggy Lee often changed her hairstyle with the times, she was always a blonde. She considered those lustrous locks her trademark. Are you having a good hair day today?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  *COUGH* No I am not.  

From Quora
9) Random question: What's the perfect way to spend a lazy afternoon?  Since I have nothing BUT lazy afternoons, I am full of ideas about it.  OK.  I'll play.  It would be: Knitting a short fingered glove while watching an old movie or The Great British Baking Show on Netflix.  I would have my UGG's on and my feet up and sweet tea close at hand.  Or I would be reading my latest book with all of the rest of the Accouterments mentioned, sans the TV. 

Readers:  If you would like to join in on the Saturday Nine fun, go HERE

Sam, thanks again!  I look forward to this every week that I'm reasonably able to get to the PC.  The Tablet is absolutely PATOK at being Blog Friendly.  


  1. "Good manners and kindness" are important, Ms. Zip. I'm not surprised you haven't done anything to hurt anyone's feelings! Cary Grant was so versatile and gifted, wasn't he? As a very young man he was part of an acrobatic troupe and walked on stilts. I believe that's why he was so graceful and agile.

    1. I didn't know that about Cary Grant. How fascinating! But then, show biz people come from so many different directions. About the feelings. I try hard not to upset anyone because I know how it feels myself. Rotten, that's how. Life isn't that easy for anyone. Trump yes, lol... I'd gladly roast him any day. He never feels rotten so it's ok ... he's clueless.

  2. I wish good manners and kindness would make a comeback. I am so tired of the folks who glare at you, if nothing else. I feel so much anger emitting from everyone when I am in the store (probably because I'm the only one still masking up).

    1. Politics have marred our social discourse across the political divide, as some politicos have taken advantage of our little class wars. It's a shame but we will come to our senses ... or not. Putin loves is troll army.
      We still mask up, darned if we want to get any of the progeny of the current Scourge. Our fully vaxxed kids all had it. So we have some veterans in this plague of tiny beasties.

  3. Another Great British Baking Show fan!

    1. Isn't it great!? I'll think of you while I watch reruns over and over again. It's nice to knit to as well. I'm thinking of getting BritBox though so I can watch everything BBC.

  4. I try to instill good manners in my students--we're very conscious of "please" and "thank you".

    1. This is a very good thing to teach kids, and if it doesn't happen at home, then school is the place! School is like the last bastion, before "Yes, Sir!" takes center stage.

    2. P.S. You are such a wonderful teacher.

  5. #1 Isn’t retirement great! You can do what you want when you want!
    #3 Ditto!
    #6 I love the paintings, especially the Hudson Valley School paintings.

    1. True! I was so grateful when retirement finally rolled up.
      And good manners are never out of style.
      And, Hudson Valley School painters were magnificent. That's the style I wanted to paint in but there was no market for it, until recently. It has made a great comeback somewhat in the Plen Aire Movement. Both are Gorgeous! I'd sure love to paint again.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..