"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Three on Thursday: What to do in case you get an invitation from one of the Men in Black. Or silver…

 1. April 19, 2023 @ 5:16 AM. Crazy lovely scary as hell dreams! 

A man dressed like a commando grabbed me and pulled me in close.  Then he said, “Opal!!!!  I GOT you, Opal!”  His meaning was that his purpose/job/whatever was that he was there to protected me.  (Probably from my own big mouth, y’reckon?) 

Anyway, all this was said to me after a burst of pure, perfect love and a blinding, golden flash of light went between us before filling the entire room - some serious Shock and Awe, my friends😱!  

He was apparently some sort of special ops dude.  Maybe my guardian Angel?  God knows I need one now and again.  Also,  I think that Opal was a code name. Because I wear an opal ring all the time. Hubby found it one day, long ago, in leaf litter.  

 Sooo, being the cat that curiosity managed to miss while it was killing all the other curious cats, I went looking and found the following ideas at an “oookie “pookie” site: 

“An opal can be used to help you fade into the background or become less conspicuous.  It is a stone of happy dreams and good changes.  An opal can be used to help you open your mystical side and can give you an understanding of the higher powers.“  

*A Quote from spiritual qualities of gems page.*   

2.  Never turn down a helping hand from Special OPS… just take it. They’d have to kill you if you did. It’s in the code book, first article of engagement. Trust me. 

And this makes Three….. 

Sir Galahad’s power suit

Sweet Dreams, Y’all! 😜😴💤


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Miss Kwizgiver. Can you tell I am sky high with anxiety about anyone, even a very skilled doctor, messing with my eyes?
      That sort of writing reveals my anxiety and angst levels.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..