"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease ๐Ÿฆ  And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Saturday 9: "It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over" 1991.

Saturday 9: "It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over" (1991)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Lenny Kravitz sings about all the tears he's cried over this relationship. Scientists theorize that human tears fall into two categories: emotional and irritant. "Emotional tears" are most often shed over physical pain, empathy, compassion, depression, and anger/frustration. Think about the last time you cried. What triggered your tears?  

Elle's birthday. 

2) We also cry "irritant tears," which means we well up when a foreign particle gets in our eye. Over-the-counter drops can help. What's the last thing you bought at the drugstore? Was it a medication (OTC or prescription) or something else entirely?  

The last thing that I, myself, actually did at a drugstore was to get a flu shot a few years ago. 

3) TV actresses have played a big part in Lenny Kravitz' life. His mother was Roxie Roker, who played the neighbor Helen on The Jeffersons. His wife (and the inspiration for this song) was Lisa Bonet, who played one of the daughters on The Cosby Show. Their daughter, Zoe Kravitz, appeared in the HBO series Big Little Lies. What TV series do you never tire of, and could watch again and again?  

That would most likely be, "Major Dad".  I can watch it on YouTube now.   When someone says, "Night Recon", that just makes me Laugh out loud. 

4) Thinking of Big Little Lies ... Zoe Kravitz co-starred with Nicole Kidman. Shortly after Kidman divorced Tom Cruise, she dated Lenny Kravitz. Have you ever been curious about a partner's past love? 

No not at all.  This was way back in a different era; we were both very young and neither of us had any real X's.  

5) Lenny Kravitz and Today Show weatherman Al Roker are second cousins (their grandfathers were brothers). Do you turn to a TV weatherman for the forecast? Or do you check a website or app? 

Not a fan of TV, so I use a couple of Apps - Weather Cat and Yahoo Weather.  I love the maps at Yahoo Weather and Weather Cat gives me all the weather info from Monterey Bay. 

6) Also a talented photographer, Lenny's work has been displayed at the Leica Gallery in Wetzlar, Germany. What's the most recent photo you took? 

It was of a short fingered glove and it's mate that I have just started.  

7) In 1991, when this song was popular, Murray Bicycles were the top seller among younger set. Popularity is fleeting, though. By 2004, the company filed for bankruptcy and no longer produces bicycles. Was your bike a big part of your summer when you were a kid? 

That's sad.  I remember Murrays. My kids had Schwinn's from a bike shop where my bike came from.

About my summers...I learned to ride when I was barely four years old, in Ohio in 46.  That was in summer when my youngest baby brother was born.   Later, my older little bro and I loved to ride all over the half acre during summer. I also rode my bike to school a lot in grammar school. We had  "stripped down model" bikes,  meaning that they had handlebars, frames, and brakes but no fenders,  We didn't get so called "English Three Speed" bikes until quite a few  years later, when I was in Jr. High.  

8) Also in 1991, Gene Roddenberry died. Mr. Roddenberry is best known as the creator of Star Trek. Who's your favorite Star Trek character?  

๐Ÿ’“It's Warf! ๐Ÿ’“ He's my FAV guy. And,  HERE's a WIKI page for him.

9) Random Question: How do you think your high school classmates remember you?  

I think - if they remembered me at all - they would remember me as a serious student, a very good basketball, tennis and a pretty good volleyball player.  A few may actually remember me, as a person  But I really doubt it would be more than a few.  

So, I cannot say for certain.  I never had a class with Meffie, who is a year or so younger,  but she remembers me.  We were friends for years after school.  A few of the kids from the lunch-bunch that I hung with might remember as a well, and one who wanted to go to college.

My best guy friend, Steve, whom I shared two classes with - Art and "Senior Problems" - might remember me as a good artist.  He asked me why (on earth!) I hadn't tried for a scholarship in art.  Honestly, I hadn't even thought of doing anything with it as a career.

I remember wanting to be a History or English Major. And having finally fallen in love with Math, I wanted to think about a career in the sciences.   You know, I possessed the persona of a complete scatterbrained Teen.  I had so many troubles at home that it just was a dream to me to be ANYTHING at all but a statistic by the time I was 21. You may recall that until recently your parent's still ruled your life and did until you were 21 or married.  This was 1960.  Adult women couldn't even get loans or credit cards unless a Male signed on...

 I think the Vietnam meat grinder was waiting for him and a lot of the boys in my class.  He was a wonderful kid -  Level headed and good natured.  When I think of the high school years, I always think of Steve and wonder how life turned out for him.  It was so nice to have a boy and a friend without having it need to be Boyfriend- Girlfriend or anything  "Heavy", in the "Beatnik" sense of the word. 

Thank you Sam! ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’Ÿ I look forward to this meme every week.  

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  1. I don't think I ever saw "Major Dad."

    1. It was an hilarious show about a Marine Major who married a woman reporter who had come to interview an officer - any officer- at the base. She had four daughters and he, of course, had to adjust rather quickly to not be giving "commands" to them. lol

  2. Replies
    1. He certainly was! Until this Saturday Nine question came up, I'd never seen either actor who played him out of costume, but I wasn't surprised that they were black.

    2. Oooops! One was the voice of for Worf, I guess. He's not black. Duh!

  3. I remember my first bike with gears and speeds. I was entering highschool. I so seldom switched gears that I wondered what the point was. Anyway, I think we are becoming rare -- women who remember the days of just pedaling and gliding along without shifting.

    1. We certainly are rare birds!
      The ten speed was almost the end for the big heavy bikes but they now have a new life (incarnation?) as "Beach Cruisers". My kid has one of the new ones. It's truly beautiful!

  4. Replies
    1. Sista Soul! ;) That show still makes me giggle. I'm so glad someone decided to save it from oblivion.

  5. My bike didn't have gears, either, until I was in high school, and by then I'd lost interest in riding much. Once I learned to drive, I never got on a bike again.

    1. Oh yes, in High School it was four wheels! lol But I rode a ten speed until I was 70 and had just had my knee replaced. I no longer had the mind set for it. When I fell the first time, because the knee did not work as solidly as all that, my ten speed went North to a daughter.

  6. I am sorry you lost touch with your friend Steve. My husband was #3 for the draft in 1973. The war ended and he didn't have to go. I do remember being in 7th grade and the 9th grade PE helper was crying because her brother was going to Viet Nam. I remember watching things on the news. It seemed so far away. I was always thankful that my sons did not have to go to war. Not I pray my grandson's won't be drafted in the future. If they choose to go into the military, that is a different story. But of course, I would rather they go to college. My 15 year old grandson wants to be a surgeon.

    1. PS I hope your grandson gets to be a surgeon. We need them all and much more than we need more people trapped by ROTC into serving. I've heard from one of the guys in the family not to take the bait. Or to at least understand how it works after a single demerit.

  7. You guys had a close shave even ten years later.. I'm trying to get the age difference right but I think you are at least 10 years younger than I am.
    There was that Horrid war, and then came a long series of wars.

    My Hubby got one notice to appear that was waiting for us when we got home from our Wedding trip. And a couple of years later after we had a child. He never had to go and I thank the Lord that he didn't. I thank Him or Sweet Mary every time it comes up again.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..