"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Three on Thursday: OMG what a hassle..

RANT ONE:  Usually I don't have a problem with technology but Google has got my goat.  I turned on Apple's newest app, and Google went berserk. Firstly, they bought Blogspot- aka Blogger, and then they released it to the wind sometime later.  On paper maybe, but it's still tethered to the Mother Ship.  

So you can't really get here through Blogspot.com unless you know a trick or THREE.  That involves passing a saliva test and a breath-a-lizer. "Are you sober enough to wade through our swamp?  OK I guess you are. "

Well that is the end of the rant.  

Now the knitting part.. #2

Which brings us  to RANT #3

And a little of a "What's on the Needles" bragging.... even though my computer and my camera are not talking to each other at the moment, something about property rights and law suits, I am posting a generic photo that sort of approximates the act of knitting for charity.  

This, if it ever loads, is from THIS site.... Better Homes and Gardens Magazine.  

I'm still trying to use my photos with Google's little p*ssy app shut down FOREVER, and so here we are.....  No knitting photo to show YET, but I have hopes.  This is what happens when TECH GIANTS fight.  The GRASS, that's YOU and ME, (I?) suffers. 

Here it is.  But my brain is either fried now, or pickled…I’m too numb to tell. 🤣 

Here's a shot from Space ... to put all this DRAMA into perspective. 

End Rant #3


  1. I love that yarn! So cheery and colorful.

    1. Thank you! It really came out nice.
      I wish I had more, too, or could find more. I've lost the darn skein band for it. I just remember that it's a short name but then half a dozen other ones have short names. lol


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..