"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Saturday 9: "I've Got Your Number" by Tony Bennett

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? 

Hear it here.

Dear Readers: Go HERE  to find the linkie to other Saturday Niners' Posts.  

Chosen in memory of Tony Bennett, who passed away on July 21.

1) In this song, Tony sings that he recognizes his lover's insecurities because she's a lot like him. Are you unsure in social situations? Or do you meet new people easily? 

I must say, Tony Bennett, Louie Prima and Perry Como, were my favorite pop singers.  But....

About the question of Shyness...I used to be pretty polite and shy.  But that all changed when I got tired of being walked on or ignored completely. Now I have an expressed Opinion on Just EVERY thing, and I also meet people easily.  Well, that would be everything but Quantum Physics but life has it's limits, you know?

2) While singing was his livelihood, painting was Tony Bennett's passion. What hobby do you participate in with the greatest enthusiasm?

We share two things then, Tony and I.  I am also an ex-painter.  I was being trained in portrait painting and seascapes when life took a couple of left turns - three actually.  I still draw and sketch but no longer paint. 

Now-a-days, I guess both sewing and knitting are my stalwart old standbys. I gave all my stuff away -easels, paints, etc, (except for mother's watercolor boxes) away to my daughter, who is a fabulous artist.  

3) Tony was a proud son of New Jersey. Many singers hail from The Garden State, including Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi and Frank Sinatra. What heroes, heroines or celebrities hail from your home state?  

Though I was born in Ohio it's not really my home state.  That would be California, and Hollywood, in fact, was where my parents were living when World War Two broke out.  But I was conceived here in California.    

California has far too many actors and musicians to name, and most of them came from somewhere else.  I'm not sure about any home grown actors.

4) Though Tony dreamed of becoming a commercial artist, he had to drop out of school in his teens to help support his family. Looking back on your teen years, what did you want to do for a living? Is that what you ended up doing?  

I fell in love with Geology in college, and that's what I was going to do with the rest of my life..... if I could.  I wanted a degree in Geology.  But, I had to drop out of school because of family troubles.  It was very serious and there was nothing to be done.  I kissed UCLA, and my hopes, goodbye.    

5) During WWII, Tony served in Germany. The first time his voice was broadcast was during an aircheck for Armed Forced Radio. For the occasion he sang "St. James Infirmary." That was Tony's first. Let's contrast it with your last. What's the most recent song you sang?  Just this morning I was singing - humming- along with the music by the Kinnitty Sessions in their album Lunasa.  I love Old Irish and other Celtic music. 

6) After the War, Bob Hope saw him perform under his real name, Anthony Benedetto. Hope told him that, no matter how great his talent, his name would hold him back because it was too long for a marquee. And so, Tony Bennett was born. Tell us about a marquee in your town. Is it announcing a movie, play, or concert performance?  

Actually, I haven't a clue what is going on here as far as concerts, movies or plays.  For many years we went to all three but not anymore.  We held season tickets for a live theater, and for the symphony, but those days are gone with the proverbial wind.

7) In 2006, he recorded his Duets album, partnering with a variety of singers he admired. Tony said he enjoyed working with Paul McCartney at London's Abbey Road Studios, where the Beatles created their classic recordings. If you vacationed in London, what would you be sure to visit?  

There are several online birders I'd like to meet, and see their favorite spots, and then I'd head straight across the channel to visit the France, Germany and Switzerland.   

8) "I've Got Your Number" was performed by Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore on The Dick Van Dyke Show. According to Dick, they were so believable as a married couple that he received glares from a hotel clerk while checking in with his real-life wife, Margie. What TV or movie couple do you feel had "chemistry?" 

I find that hilarious!  Anyway, I never watched much TV after that show, which I loved.  So I didn't get a feel for any other couple in a "on-screen" relationship.  I know I'm boring.  Sorry, Gal. 

9) Special summertime random question: Would you have more fun at a pro baseball game or an art museum exhibit?  

Er... fun?  at an Art Museum?  Well, anywhooo...  I would like to go to a ball game, and watch the Padre's play.  But the seats would probably put me permanently in a back brace. Lol ... Isn't this one pretty?  You should see his other creations.  Tres Chic!

C/O: https://www.renderhub.com/dereza

To the lovely Sam.....   Thanks again for something that's so much fun to look forward to every week.  



  1. Gee...nothing you'd like to sightsee in London?

    1. Nope, and to be honest, I'm not that enamored with London.

  2. It occurs to me as I read your answers that you and Tony have TWO things in common: painting and having to forgo education for family reasons. No wonder you feel an affinity for him.

    1. Yes, it was the way it was and probably still is. Educations are cut short by some thing family related. Sometimes it's a dreadful event, and sometimes it's for the love of your sibs. Mine was that last. My little sister was terrified.

  3. #2 I wish that I could paint.
    #4 Rock collecting used to be one of my hobbies.
    #6 I love theater, one of my favorite venues is Godspeed Opera Theater which is now does musicals.

    1. Hey there, another Rock collecting enthusiast! Aren't local Theater companies amazingly good? We have Lamb's Players here, and they do amazing theater productions. I just can't comfortably sit through a play anymore.

  4. I don’t have the talent to paint,I envy you

    1. You likely have some hidden talent there my lady.
      I never got to do much with it. I read a story about the mistress of Chagall in the way back... and decided that giving up my kids to the wind was not an option no matter how good I was. She was not very good but she sacrificed her kids to it. Geez.

  5. I'm too self-critical to try painting. I suspect you and I would have a marvelous time talking about knitting!

    1. Painting is a journey and you get your "voice" over time. I was strictly a realist but did do some abstracts that I loved doing. About knitting, oh yes, we could have a marvelous time talking about knitting!

  6. I can color well but I am not an artist.

    1. I've seen your coloring and love it! Art is a journey but there are SO many wonderful artists that get no traction because of big venues like the Guggenheim for one, that don't promote them. It's both sad and sickening. They and their families literally starve. Or die and then EVERYone and their dog wants their paintings. Talk about Mean Streets. Most of them lead to Art Gallery owners! heeheehee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..