"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease ๐Ÿฆ  And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday 13: I used to do this, and loved it. Trying again...

It's been quite a long five months.  Now that all the EYE drama is almost over, I hope to come up with thirteen things again because this is a lovely MEME.   Thank you to the two great hostesses for this meme! ๐Ÿ’ž

I usually do these over several hours, or even days, and the motivation is sort of "Line of Consciousness". 


1. This morning I saw the Optometrist for the final check-up on my "new" eyes.  I can now be released into the Wild again. Yippy Skippy!

2.  Yellow is once again bright and beautiful.  It is my favorite color, and I sorely missed it.  All the yellow things were a muddy sort of tan.  

I can't believe how beautiful it is again. 

3. I'm reading a lot of fiction, and trying to let the world go by.  HaHa  as IF!  But I am reading some non-aggressive Non-fiction as well, all while keeping a weather EYE on "Putin The Terrible".  

There are so many books and so little time! 


4.  I have to remember to eat more ice cream.  Actually it's soy cream, butttt ... what the hay....๐Ÿ˜…

5.  Hubby and Jazzie.  In the WayBackMachine.  This was taken at Quartzsite Rockhound meet-up out in Arizona.  Jazzie was a Teacup Toy Poodle and he was brave as a Bear!  In fact we used to call him, JazzBear. 

We had such a good time with this tiny, four pound Furball.  

6. I'm grateful for discovering the Mantra recordings made by Tina Turner.

7. I'm so very grateful that DH will keep his eyesight longer than I ever expected he could.   

8.  I'm thankful for Mark Twain.  I'm also thankful that his work still inspires the best in our ironic little minds.

9.  I'm very grateful for having Friends in this world, but it's also a world where, if you don't have a friend, you can have a dog who can be your best friend. 

10. Fish and Chips at the Point!  It's that time again...It's time to go there to get our favorite fish and chips, and then sit and watch the sunset.  It's glorious!


11. Yesterday I ordered four new dresses.  It was time. I may never be able to sew my own clothes anymore.  But I've made Peace with that.  I'll just make the quilts and other things, like dolls.  I want to make dolls for the hospital and sometimes the Police to give away to little children who have been traumatized.  They also need people to Knit TEDDY BEARS  for children who are  victims of trauma or abuse.

12.  I'm happiest when I'm making things, and I so very much need to be happy right now.  Putin keeps pushing and pushing the line to a wider war.  I need to push that aberration out of my consciousness. 

13. I did finish another pair of short fingered gloves to go to the hospital.  It's been awhile that I was able to make them as I was still recovering from that terrible fall in the kitchen two years ago.  All and all, things are looking up. 

The linkie to see other posts is HERE.  Thanks for reading my blog. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™


  1. Yay! So glad to see you back and feeling better. What a great Thursday 13!

  2. What a fun list--and hooray for improved color vision!!! xo

  3. I would miss yellow, too. Who cares if it's ice cream or soy cream or whatever? Is it cold and tastes good? Then it's all good ;)

  4. Fish and chips and sunset sounds good to me!

  5. I love Heather Cox Richardson.

  6. Welcome back to TT! 4 lbs is a tiny (but mighty) pup. I am confident Joe Biden will protect us from Putin. Joe may be old but he knows what he's doing, and world leaders respect that.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..