"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Thursday Thirteen: Digging through the detritus of Life, Crafter Style


Yep.. Thirteen Deckle Cutters for making cards.

I know it's not much but darn they were pretty... And, there were exactly 13 of them.  

Did I do this before?   Doh!


  1. Every color of the rainbow and then some.

  2. True for ya, indeed it is. And thank you for Viewing/reading this post. I need to get back my crafter gene from cold storage.

  3. That is a cool photo. How cool is it that something that cuts can be beautiful in and of itself, and create beauty, too?

    1. This is zippi… I think they make crafting tools beautiful because crafters will buy a full set. Lol. They really are beautiful. I’ve loved using them. You should see my trays of stampers.. *giggles*

  4. I wonder why you can't get on my blog. I've never heard that from anyone before. Maybe try typing loose leaf notes in a search engine and see if that works.

    1. This is Zippi from my iPad.. I have read yours every week, and tried to leave comments every week, but they never seem to go anywhere. It happens no matter what place I’m trying to post. Gal at Saturday 9, which is a blog spot blog, has put up a note on her personal blog that Wordpress won’t let her leave comments at with Wordpress blogs. This may be the same. So, I will leave you a note on the New Thursday Thirteen blog, after I read your blog. ❤️

  5. Very pretty. And a nice simple 13. I tend to overthink them.

    1. You do a beautiful Thursday Thirteen. I love all the different ways people create theirs.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..