"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Bits and Pieces of the Crafting life.....

I wanted to share some ceramics here so there will be more pictures coming, and also a little of the wire wrapping that is very fun to do. My hands are getting tired though and I have to be careful just how much stress can be put on them now. When you look at the delicate joints in your fingers you wonder how something like that lasts as long as it does.

The glass pictures that I took today got deleted from the camera.. "Oh, what's that button do; I never saw that one before.. OH NO!!!"

Anyway, I will get them taken tomorrow afternoon and get them up here. They will look rough and odd, but you will see the possibilities in them. They always look that way when first fused.


  1. very very nice jewlery.
    I made silver jewlery through art school along with miniatures to support myself
    one of my friends was a lapidarist, so I also learned to cut and polish gemstones
    I had a blast.
    so whatcha making me???

  2. it is ten things you love
    5 you want to do or do again
    it is actually a worthy tag since it does make you think a bit

  3. Thanks Vi. If you got to do cabachons then you know why I like that. I like to facet materials, too. There's a club here that I'm in that has a lot of facetting machines and very good teachers.

    Ten things I love. 5 things I want to do again. Ok. I'll think about that one.

  4. yup cabs
    I loves me some dop sticks
    I cut slabs too
    covered in grimy grease oily rock water
    yup yup
    started to see bernie one night while I was cutting tigers eye


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..