"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I"m working on it! Or, "What I've been up to."

I've pretty much freed myself from obsessional web connected activities and am enjoying all the time to pursue things related to actually getting something done in craft! It's always interesting to read about what others are doing and that's why forums,chats, and blogs are so interesting. The rest of it can steal your life, however, and I'm beginning to see how and why nothing is getting done. I've worked in my garden aka weed patch over this week, and gotten an amazing lot done in the studio. Letter writing fell away during my obsession with forums, but Mefkure, a letter is on the way! Surprise!

Meffie is a knitter, too, and we have been friends since she was an exchange student at my high school in 1959. We have been writing ever since.

Well, time to feed the zoo, start the laundry and to work on the desk top so DH can see what he's doing to set the drain in the polishing machine tonight. We are going to take the extra ring out of the large floor kiln so that it can be made ready to fire glass. The small kilns are just test kiln size and a bit old, but they are good for burn outs and other things. The floor kiln has a nifty spiffo controller that ramps up, soaks and ramps down and soaks automatically. What a time saver! It will be fine for the glass.


  1. Just how many different types of crafts do you do? You sound amazing!

  2. Let's see. I have to confess that I'm driven to make my business survive so that I've got a creative outlet that pays it's way. To answer your question, I have to tell you that I am up there in years and was an art major, studio arts, who never finished a degree. So, I do a lot of different arts and crafts because I've had the time to explore a wide range of possibilities in that world, as well as an abiding love of design. I love design and love making things, so I've explored nearly every medium available. We are so lucky to have color vision. It has literally made us what we are in terms of appreciation of beauty and being inspired by all the beauty around us. I would love for every child to have such opportunities to explore art and to do crafts and work with their hands.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..