"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

5 idiosyncracies

Karen tagged me when my comments feature was turned off in an attempt to crash some spambots.

Only 5, Karen?

1. I will never admit to being depressed because I never, ever feel depressed. Even when it seemed ever soooo obvious to everyone else around me that I was. I...am....not....and never was depressed I tell you! It made for some very interesting situations with doctors who tried to give me anti- depressants. I would throw them away and eventually get over it anyway. Yes, I can spell denial. Am I still in it? I will laugh my way through the most awful stuff because I see it as the only way to the other side. tee hee

2. I hate to look in a mirror. I just hate it, and will avoid it even when brushing my teeth or combing my hair. I have this horror of what I will see. I think this started in my teens and I expected a zit to pop up everytime I caught a look.

3. I like my feet. I think they are very cute. They are the only things on my body that get my approval.

4. I can't stand to be late. This must be from the time that I went home with a friend after sunday school and forgot completely about time. My father was going to beat me I just knew it, (he didn't) and I've tried to never be late again.

5. I worry myself sick over anything and everything that could happen to the kids, the world, the dog. I've made him neurotic, but thankfully the kids escaped it. Obviously the world has, too. Now I am almost a hermit, *wink* , but I'm a hermit with a very nice DSL connection.

Now I need to tag someone? Let me think...



  1. Nice post. Made me smile, as I think I recognized a bit of myself in there as well.

    On another note, I think if you turn off the "anonymous comments" feature, you might have better luck keeping the spammers at bay.

  2. Hey, nice blog...
    kidding, although it isn't abad blog... not by far. In fact it IS nice. Bt I'm a real person. And I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror either. I think it's the baldness. Either way, yup! These spammers blow.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Karen, I don't think anyone who isn't a blogspot.com member can post if I shut off the anonymous setting. I can try it and see if you can still post. I'll do that if I have to. Live Journal has a feature that is better, but isn't as easy to use or modify as is Blogspot.

  5. Sean, a real person. whoot! And though it surely is painful in a hairy world, the Buddha was reportedly bald. And Gandhi. I see from your blog that your heart is good on the whole and your mind is organized and pretty clear. You can do something interesting with all that in place. Live long and prosper.

    We both can try a 12 step for the mirror avoidance. You like to write the steps?

  6. Karen thanks. I have to figure out how to get Pugknits to do hers now. She is a spinner and knitter. Tries all sorts of fiber.

  7. LiberatingAmerica, I do find your blog interesting. I'll read more of it as soon as I can.

  8. Nam68, I read some of your writings and will follow up some of the links. Agent Orange has come a long way from being the droppings of swarms of bees, has it not?

  9. I there with you on number one. I am also a semi-hermit, only with cable internet instead!

    Thanks for the morning laugh.

  10. i was shopping around a little and if it is gem II that you're looking at, the woolery has it at 530, the cheapest i've seen. shipping is included. other models are not the cheapest though, you probably have been shopping around a lot and may already know but tot i'll pass it on.... hehe.....

    will try to answer the tag Qs tomorrow. idiosyncrasies.....hmmm....


  11. You're welcome, Liz, I'm only semi hermit-like too, as I do enjoy my clubs but I sure enjoy the quiet of home, too. We WILL have to start a support group for people whose doctors think they are depressed and want to hand them pills. Gee, I had good reasons for not being Yippy Skippy there for awhile, but as predicted, the situation moved on, and the rain cloud around my head went with it.

    Pugnits, thanks! I am going to keep it in mind but have to see how I do on my DDs Louet. Spinning may not be kind to my back, hips and legs, but I sure hope it will be. I have visions of soft beautiful yarns being spun in the quiet of my home.

    Oh I must go read your five!

  12. I liked reading your 5! And you know, I have the mirror thing too...and ironically...my newly remodeled bathroom is almost all mirrored. ACK! :-)

    I have been totally overrun with Spammers too. I took off anonymous comments and just started deleting their posts. Now no one comments. LOL Just just can't win sometimes.

  13. Hi rissa. Say! I went to look at your page and your spindle collection is so awesome! Whoot! I like the washcloths,too. I will have to copy cat them.

    Yes, the spammers make it sad for bloggers. They try to be nice about it but the ones who are flat out selling goods or services make no sense to me. If I wanted a loan I'd go to a bank. Spinning wheels don't really cost that much on the whole. =0)

  14. All mirror bathroom? Oh my.. I think it would make me totally crazy. Lol. But, it must make the small room look bigger. *Thinking about more mirrors......*


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..