"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Another something to do for others.. Sweet Homeless Animals...

Misti gave me this link a long while back, and I let it get buried in my brain fart file. As I was cleaning up the computer one late, late night.. early early morning... it popped up at me. This is the perfect solution for all the acrylic yarn that has been tucked away in three bins since the 80's yarn hording job I had at a yarn shop. I would buy up all the odd balls. Yes, it's a sickness.

Have a look?

Hugs for Homeless Animals


  1. What a lovely project! And I am sure that there isn't one of us knitters/crocheters that doesn't have loads of yarn odds and ends lying around, just waiting for this kind of a project.

  2. This is such a worthwhile cause my cat loves sleeping on old woollen jumpers that we put in his 'house' and he is a well loved and wanted cat.

  3. Yes Karen, it is lovely and as you say a perfect project for odds and ends. I'm starting on one of the cat mats this afternoon, since I've finally... FINALLY... figured out the eyelet edging for the sweater I'm starting. Now to get it down to gauge on 1's or 0's.

    Sharon, I love to hear about pets. So many knitters have put their pets on their blogs too. Fun reads, and heart warming. :0)

    My little dog also sleeps on one of my old wool sweaters on our bed. He won't lie down on the bed until I spread the sweater out for him and say," You can sleep on my sweater, Jazzie." It was getting on my nerves one night to do this as I was in a hurry, and then I shocked myself back into reality by remembering that I will surely miss this ritual when he is no longer here.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..