"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, August 19, 2005

What day is this? Friday? Should I thank God?

This can't be a knitting blog anymore. I don't do enough of it!

My sister came today. We had tea and sympathy, and cookies - very bad because of our low carb diets. We joke about pink death, i.e. Sweet N Low, and yellow death, i.e. Splenda. We keep pink and yellow death packets together now in my little blue sweetener cup. I admire my sister. C, if only I could help you more, but it's not in God's plan for me to lift this from you. I might be too old to see it through to the end. You never know five minutes from now where you will be, either. I could be hit by a falling airplane part five minutes from now, or a blood clot could be an inch from my heart creeping slowly up to it.

Is this morbid or what? I think it's time to knit some on the cheermeup pink sock.

My sister and I laugh a lot about all the things that occur in our daily lives, and sometimes we laugh at the things that occur in the news. It's good to laugh at what happens in the political news. Laughing at politicians helps you keep a sense of purpose in counting your blessings. You are happy and feeling blessed that you don't have to be at least a half dozen people that are in the political news, and you can do this every single day. It doesn't get much better. Is it Miller time? Oh! sorry I am too full of tea, and those cursed chocolate chip cookies.. I forgot.

I'm dragging out the "vintage" 1980's afghan to knit on it for awhile. I like the colors. Also, it's almost finished anyway, and I can do a victory dance sooner than if I knit the little pink lacey sock.


  1. It's wonderful that you have such a warm and close relationship with your sister.

  2. She's been my "baby" for a long time, since I am nearly ten years older. She's lived with us twice, too, and so she is close to our girls as well. Since I tend to believe in Karma and past lives, and she doesn't, I tease her sometimes that we have been together since we made little mud pots together in the dust of mesopotamia.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..