"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The end of summer doldrums arrive.

I..... can't..... seem..... to..... move.....faster....than.... a.... slug on ice.

I don't want to knit, blog, eat, think, or do anything but read mysteries that are not too bloody or otherwise nasty. I want to find a hobbit hole and stay there with my books and a freezer full of dove ice cream bars, at least til summer is over.

How will I knit enough on a WIP to report weekly to the UFO group that lured me with delicious finished products done by those who have picked up their needles and marched off to victory? I fear having to wear the word "Slacker" written across my forehead, so that it reads backward in the mirror, a daily reminder of my sin of sloth.

I watered all the rooted ones. They were sad but now they are happy. This is a good thing as they are so innocent and so helpless. Where else can they go?


  1. Hi there,
    I just got a message at yahoo that my email to you about joining The Knitters Anon ring did not reach you. I checked the ring and your name isn't appearing on the wait list either. In fact there are only 7 members listed when there should be 10 so I don't knot what is going on. Would you mind reapplying. Sorry for the trouble but I guess Ring Surf has a mind of its own. You are also welcome to join our blog at www.knittersanon.blogspot.com if you would like to.
    Can you check the email address I had to see if it is right zippianna@sbsglobal.net
    Thanks Joan

  2. Only through blogs can I discover the knitting subculture.

  3. fraggle, you are welcome and also very welcom to share this hobbit hole, we know from the lore that they are spacious, if there is not another near by.

    Have a dove bar... or two.. stay awhile... =0)

  4. Joanm, well, I found my OWN typo in my OWN address so I will reapply this morning. It was just too hot yesterday for this little robot's brain.

    Going to do that in a sec here..and email you my embarrassing news. sighs....

  5. Hiya Christopher, ah yes, the subculture blooms well in blogs. Some of it is even darkly interesting. I think your poetry is that way, everything poetry should be about a modern world. And very beautiful in it's surreality. I love poetry very much, and write Haiku for my friends and myelf. I find it amusing. Best Wishes building up your body of work. You have talent and a way with words.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..