"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, August 6, 2005

New text color from a different chart

Yeay! I found my other HTML color chart buried in the debris in another folder. I hope this is now lots easier to read.

The wannabe software tech is now happy, and she will get herself some breakie and go knit more on the next bandage.


  1. lella I forgot to post my name on the last post... so sorry it is shaggy who is burning up in this Ohio heat


  2. Hiya Shaggy! =0) Thanks for stopping by the blog. Sure do hope the weather gets cooler. Such strange and not good weather for the Midwest. I think the farmers are suffering crop loss, too. Gardens are suffering; that much I do know. Stay as cool as you can. Autumn is on the way!

  3. Michelle, thanks, and thanks for stopping by. I am so glad you like the change. This color is much easier on the eyes and more Ocean like, too.

  4. Happy knitting then!

    here is a link to an extensive HTML color chart for future reference. It's in german but you'll be able to handle it. HTML Colors

  5. Karen that is the best I have seen yet. Thank you. I've got lots of things to play with now. This is going to be fun!

  6. hi zippianna,
    'the spinster's nook' on ebay are having a sale on their majacraft wheels, with free shipping.

  7. Pugknits, I am going to have a look! Thanks!

  8. Returning the favor from one blogger to another. :-) Your entries are quite easy to read.

    See you over on KR

  9. Barbara, welcome. This is a little like the gracious practice of country house visiting so popular in England right up to the 20th century, eh? =0)

    And thanks for that tip on the Balene II's. I pinched myself when serendipity splatted me right down on the very page of your blog where it was in shining glory.

  10. Welcome to you, Wabbitzmom, aka Annie. Whoot! I love that you got to see something that inspired a quilting flurry. I still can't find your post in those back pages, to answer it properly, so I'm saying it here. See you soon on the upper bog. Or maybe Fairhaven?

    Pugknits I looked all OVER that ebay place and couldn't find majacraft except from Copper Moon. er.. if think it was CopperMoon. hmmm.. *searches short and long term memory for burnt circuits* I will now search "majacraft" instead of "the spinster's nook"

  11. Hehe. It's under Friday's post, last comment of 4 : ) No biggie. Just a thank you for sharing!


  12. the spinster's nook is the store's name. did you select the 'ebay store' box when you search that name? their wheels are cheaper than one majacraft dealer who stocks m.wheels in US=3-5 days delivery. this dealer was the cheapest i've seen, but needs to pay shipping. even with that, it is still cheaper than most others. and the others ship direct from maja's NZ factory. t.s.nook is currently offering lower prices( than that dealer), and free shipping :)


  13. Mondays and early thursdays unless I'm out planning.

  14. Oh my Pugknits, I sure didn't! I am so illiterate when it comes to ebay. I'll go do it again. right now...

    Wabbitmom, thanks, now to read it, really wanted to read it. Hope you have cut through the quilt fabrics and are on a roll.

    Misty, thanks. I made a pink sticky note. I wish you Happy hunting for planning and supplies. :)

  15. i'm just found out that ebay thingy myself, hehe....


  16. ebay is TROUBLELLLLLLLL... lol! I have to sell things on it and hopefully I will sell enough to offset what I buy! That place is almost evil! Evil I say! heehee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..