"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Some Answers and News from my tech support... me...

The comments post failed so I am going to try to answer two comments here. I think it might be the new driver that was downloaded today. The joys of computers ... *sighs*

Hi there Ohioan Friend. Wish you could go cool off in the Pacific, and cool off you would because the temps are usually around the mid sixties, for the water. It's pretty chilly! Though we live inland we are still within reach of the "Ocean Influence", as the meteorologists like to say. The sea breezes that reach our mesaland keep it bearable and we look forward to them every evening. Ohio, ah, I love the Ohio farmland but know little of the cities, because my Grandfather's farm was pretty far from them. Oh yes, it's so terribly hot and I feel for all those who are suffering from it. August should start a cool down for you, I hope. Thanks for peeking in.

ana, I'm glad that you like the new background color, and I'm definitely going on a search for a new font color today. I tried out a few yesterday and they were actually worse.

I live in San Diego, inland a little from the beaches. In Uni I had friends who lived in Venice so ended up visiting there from time to time. I love your whole area. In truth I love California from tip to tip as long as a traveler can stay on the beaches, Mountains, and Deserts in some areas. Los Angeles, the City, is not a favorite thing. The traffic is pretty horrid.

Ah, yes, the stories. I'm trying to re-create some events that I think were interesting about pets, rockhounding, family background stories, other hobbies so as to cheer up people and entertain a bit. My children can read about things they've never heard me talk about so that will be good. I don't mind sharing as much here as I would at a gathering of, let's say, new people at a picnic or party. It's been fun so far.


  1. Oh, what soothing colors! Like cool water and something sort of pebbly...at least to me!

  2. Thanks Jane, much more soothing than the struggle to read white on dark sea blue.

    These are colors that remind me of cool Autumn or Winter walks along the beaches on misty mornings.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..