"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Hello for a minute.....fourth revision... I know, I know... it just isn't fair....

I've been so busy that I've not even knit more than a bandage the last few days. What a UFO slacker I am. Sheesh... When we come to see the girls, it really is run, run, run.

Last week we made it to the yarnshops The newest yarn shop was doing a hopping business but I'm sure that all the yarns I will be buying that come from China from now on will be off the web. I didn't buy the ecological/socially responsible chitchat after my DH pointed out that the yarn was from China. So it will be" the cheaper the better" where Chinese yarns are concerned. This, if I can't get the bamboo,hemp or soy silk yarns from another source entirely. I want to support the earth, human and animal friendly folks with my $$s. *eek, a soap box!*

We are going on a flea market excursion when we all get back together again. Yippie! I love flea markets. I'm told there is a seller of yarns, mostly acrylic, but that she has needles as well.

We also found a neat neighborhood yard sale. Someone was moving to Hawaii and they were selling out. For ten cents I got two handfuls of bamboo rods ( and lots of lovely chopsticks) that I can make into many things, including some knitting needles and hair ornaments. Also while snagging a willow basket, we came across more than five yards of 70% silk dupionne (sp) look alike in a beautiful deep red for $5. Since my DD's and I are making bags like the blue seashell one that is HERE, I'm thinking of making some matching needle roll ups for them.

Lorraine, to answer your question about the bobbins, they are the standard ones that came with that kit wheel. I asked DD what they were and she said she didn't know, so I am guessing that they are just standard. The bulky bobbin is something I think I'd like to have so when I order my wheel I will order extra bobbins. I think they are terribly expensive but it must be the engineering that does into it.

JoanM. Good idea. I am going to buy some fleece and just cut out a little one piece coat for him that wraps in the front and has a velcro closure on flaps under the belly and across the chest. He can wear it at night when it's so cold. Usually we tuck him inside our jackets at night when we are by a campfire, but he is getting cold at night while we slept, and the minute we woke up he jumped up and burrowed under the covers. Poor frozen puppy!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..