"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, November 4, 2005

Big Sur's coastal twin at the mouth of the Klamath river

There were two men from the Yuron tribe who were netting fish on the long, dark sand bar this day. The Yurons have a treaty which insures that they are able to have their fishing rights, which I feel is splendid. This assures that they can continue to make use of their age old methods and customs of fishing and drying their catch, and for carrying out their ceremonies involving this species of fish. We had to use binoculars to see what they were doing.

This picture is the first in a series of pictures of the coast above Ft Bragg. Laura, I will be adding more of the Lost Coast pictures in over the next few days, at least until the wheel gets here. Then this will turn back into a knitting, spinning blog. heehee 
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  1. Beautiful. And you take wonderful pictures, if I may say so :-)

  2. Thanks Karen. You know, this earth is so beautiful, and it stands so still for it's piccies, that it's hard to take bad ones. ;-)

    Central Coast, with Big Sur, and the whole of the Northern Coast is wonderful as the water is so clean and clear! It's nothing like Southern California at all.

    Glad you liked the red motorcycle. And you know men, they think all we do is stay home and knit and tend the garden, so he was duly impressed but what you may think of routine. This is because I stay home and tend the garden. heehee.. I've driven 120 mph several times when I was young. But not on a motorcycle.

  3. Hi knittyref, glad to meet you.

    I think you are right about Lime Kiln Park being beautiful. I am still getting mind expansion and wild heartbeats from the gorgeous views along the whole of the upper California Coast. Torrey Pines is about the only thing we have that comes even close in my SoCal area. Torrey Pines Beach is the picture that is above in the blogname.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..