"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Les Partes

The Doggie thought that big box was for him and hovered around expecting me to pull out a very big something in the way of whatever a dog could dream of. I have no idea why he was sooooo interested in that box.

The UPS man thought the dog was opening the door and blocked my hubby in who was trying to open it for him, and we all laughed when I said that Jazzie hadn't learned that trick yet.

Then we unpacked the wheel, and my DH dashed off with the nifty magnetic screwdriver that came with the pack so that he could take down a bunch of stuff in the bathroom that gets gutted down to the studs tomorrow by a wrecking crew. I am going, "Why why?? Why pay someone all that labor cost and then do the work ahead of time? And with MY new screwdriver???? GRRRRRRR!"

Anyway, he is contrite now and has gone out to get some stain/wax and will put it on and assemble the wheel tomorrow when he has nothing else to do because the crew will mow him down if he gets in the way. At least I think they will. That's the way we used to do with pesky home owners who wanted to help way back when I worked as a carpenter. Just kidding about the mowing down bit.   Posted by Picasa


  1. Oh, hon, I am so excited for you! Your very own wheel, and you get to raise it from a little sprout! They like to hear sweet talk, you know...:)

  2. Oh thank you Jane! I will be sure to sweet talk this little bebe wheel, and only have peaceful thoughts near her. There will be enough tangles in the yarn without an evil eye - mine - glaring down the oriface. heehee...

  3. Wonderful! You finally got the wheel!
    Have a blast with it!!!

  4. A tall, mysterious, woman of the forest with bright red hair told me of this wheel and of a magical basin of water you are getting that will bubble your cares away! No wonder you are the superior beings and we trykers only walk around with salt water in our hair and sand in our shoes : ) Hehe - good luck with the spinning and the remodeling!! Oh and by the way, MY SOCK IS DONE!!! Whee. I love it.. now to go finish the second one.

  5. Thank you Karen. The finish, since we picked up a can of "pickled oak" min-wax instead of natural oak, has been delayed, but the wheel came right on time. If you haven't had to bite down hard on a piece of yarn to learn patience, let me tell you it barely works.

    Wabbitmom, grats on that FINISHED SOCK! Yeay! Be sure to start the second one right away to ward off the deadly SSS(second sock syndrome). I am soooo pleased for you!

    And indeed, that tall mysterious forst woman is right. Not only the wheel, but the bubbling basin is installed (halfway). I have crept into the secret cave, the one in which the Wizard of Extraordinary Tool Wrangling put the basin, and sat down inside it. I fit, too, it's just a little hard to get out of atm, what with it lacking it's firm bubbles connection. That will come soon. If I fit a tryker would, and the sand would go right down the drain. Come on in a set a spell!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..