"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Aran Sweater knit and unknit, but is it errata?

Well..... I did knit... and we put the "NO Reporters Allowed Past This Door!" sign back up.

Knitting. Growl! I think that my sweater pattern's first row should read to do 4 sets of what the pattern calls RT3, and that count works out for the 114 stitches that are supposed to be on the needles. Also, arithmetically, if the XLarge is supposed to be 126 stitches wide, 5 increases work for that count, so I think maybe I'll give it another go. I knit, therefore I rip.

I hate errata on a very old pattern. This is *THE PATTERN:

The ROW in question says:

"Row 1: (K 1, p 1) 3 (3-5-5) times, k 1, * p 2, [sl next st onto cable needle and hold in FRONT of work, k 2, k st from cable needle (LT 3); sl next. 2 sts onto cable needle and hold in BACK of work, k 1, k 2 sts from cable needle (RT 3)] 2(3-3-4) times, LT 3, p 2 *, LT 3, p 2, put a marker on needle, work Row 1 of pattern st on next 32 sts, put a marker on needle, p 2, LT 3, repeat between *'s once, k 1, (p 1, k 1) 3(3-5-5) times."

To get the number of stitches to come out to be the full 114 for the large, the RT 3 repeats must be (3-4-5) and NOT (3-3-4). This is the very first row. *sigh My confidence is waning. I will have to work out the math for every single row or be prepared to frog.

I've been staying out of even the OT in KR. But there was some good news in there, so does that count? =o)

Karen, Jazzie loved the feral smells coming out of the box. The top smelled like sheep, just ever so slightly, and a Foreign sheep as well. hee hee. He wanted that little bag in the WORST way. Ah, your sweet Tobie. It's nice to have a dog that is puppy like. They play more and are the best companions. Glad he's feeling better.


  1. You'll get the hang of that pattern, I know you will.

    I thought about you yesterday. There was a shepherd with a huge herd (about 500) down by the river yesterday. Just think - all that wool :-)

  2. Ahhh, an old pattern...Beautiful sweater. I too have one that fits this category; it's (deep)in my ufo bin...one day I'll get up enough courage to tackle it again.

    Don't give up (like I did ).

  3. Karen, thanks. I've done the math....yet again... and discovered that it was done wrong, this time by moi. Anyone who knows me knows there's no way I get something right the first time if it involves numbers. Five is the number, and not four, that should have been the back held cables increases. All is well now on Aran Island!

    ladyv, it is a beautiful and a very messed up pattern. But worth it. Now I've got a handle on it and will wrangle every line first. No more knitting without checking out whether it's stats are 41-38-41. Not quite an apple?

    Corragio! Dig out your sweater and we will tackle them together. Aran's aren't easy but, like a very big fish, if you play it right you can land it on 30 pound test line with a short pole.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..