"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A cold, A Trekking we will go, and the effects of reading too many sad things

I've done myself in I tell you. I'm too old to keep doing it, too. It's given me a damp, drippy little rhino-virus and a free ticket to the next viral adventure, "Bronchitis" or even "ear infection".

So, tomorrow, with the hoof fully healed, I'm going to start on the spinning and stay away from NEWS of any kind. Being fully informed and fully impotent to change anything, that is without being able to have the full power of an Angel of Death, I think it's time to bow out of the cycle of woe. For a few days anyway.

I've been sitting in front of the wheel trying to read a book and treadle. I've also been trying to understand the meaning of "ratio" regarding the wheel going around and the flyer going round. At least I think it's the flyer. Maybe not! Scotch tension, something else I'm reading about, seems to be caused more by not enough good Scotch whiskey in the house for hot toddies at the moment than by anything else.

The daughter thinks pink socks are "too pink", and that means I get to keep them and send her the wildfoote if she likes them. I've also discussed the purchase of some TrekkingXXL with DH and his mild reaction, and slightly heightened interest at the words "hiking sock yarn" seems to me to mean I've got a "Go" for purchase. So far, no LYS has any. This is SoCal after all, and not the Yukon. Is that an excuse for them to not supply the needs of crazed sock knitters who want to knit hiking socks instead of buying them for $35 a pair?


  1. Hope you get rid of that cold straight away!

    Yeah - hiking socks - what a neat idea! You might try ebay for the appropriate yarn if you can't get any in sunny SoCal.

  2. Thanks, I will boot it out the door with it's little travel bag asap. Until then it clings to me, screaming that it has nowhere else to live!

    I have found my sources, though I did a thorough search of Ebay as you suggested. Good suggestion by the way, though I didn't find any trekkingxxl. I could really get myself into a LOT of trouble in the wee hours of ebay auctions, so I could.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..