"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, January 13, 2006

There is no excuse...

In my book there is no excuse to decide to ask a novice spinner a half dozen questions the second she sits down to new wheel. Yet, that is the crime that my DH committed today. I had the nicely slit roving snaked back and forth on my lap, just as I had seen on Liz's blog one day, and I had the leader fed in and on the little flyer hooks. I was ready to roll, or rather twist and spin. The books on ratio and pinching inches, and little fans and revolutions of the wheel and how this was all related had been read, ingested, and were about to flow out my fingers and toes in a sweet concert of semi lumpy but perfectly respectible yarn.

Enter the dog, who was not to be outdone, trying his best to get into my lap, and fixing me with those big brown eyes as he turned this way and that with little yippy whines so that I would be sure to see his distress and just pick him up. He put his little foot up on the edge of the fiber box so as to emphasize his rights to my lap. I pursed my lips and narrowed my eyes at DH to cut off the stream of questions about a lamp that I'd taken out of service at least 6 months ago but he decided that TODAY WAS THE DAY IT NEEDED TO BE FIXED, and by Heaven above, I was engineer in charge of remembering what it's symptons (in detail) were.

My advice to all women who wish to learn to spin on a wheel is to buy it and learn it before their DH retires and is home all day and you assume the role of household memory bank. The dog has an excuse. He was trained that way.

I have an awful cold, it might even be the California Flu. I am here at the ungodly hour of 1:12am posting because to lie down means to blow the top of my head off with coughing fits. May you all stay well!


  1. Poor baby! Both my DH and the dog have learned to whine & beg for attention when I am spinning at the wheel! :-D Good luck with your new baby and I hope you love it as much as I have loved getting to know mine.

  2. Thanks Rissa for your deep understanding of the pain of being outflanked by a dog and a DH while sitting at the spinning wheel. I think I'm going to learn to love Lilly Murphy nearly as much as a real sentient being. Perhaps a tree sprite lives within our wheels?

  3. Poor thing! Sorry to hear about your cold getting worse.

    Maybe you could send DH off for an extended walk with the dog.......

  4. Hope you're feeling better today. Sending healing thoughts your way!

  5. Karen, I think he will leave me be when I am at the wheel now. =0\ I plan to also cure doggie of intentions to be on my lap at that time with a well placed cuddler. Don't get this cold, please. It goes straight for the jugular. =0)

    Marvel, Hi, and thank you for your healing thoughts. It's still stomping all over my respitory system but I'm sure that I'll kick it out in this next week. Viruses only THINK they rule the world, at least that's what we all hope!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..