"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, February 4, 2006

Pugknits raises the bar! Whoot!

This heavy and stunning array(it's all such gorgeous stuff) of handpainted yarns, haintpainted Wensleydale top, three colors of Shetland curlies, and white Targhee curls all arrived yesterday from Pugknits. D, I am awestruck. I can't stop looking at it. And you really fooled little Jazz. He didn't know what to make of the box. He would sniff it, go away and think, "French? Is it from France maybe?" The patchoolie scent was brilliant! Your labels are so well thought out. I love that they are translucent.

I just can't thank you enough. I think you've made my whole year!

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  1. It's gorgeous! Wow.
    Happy knitting :-)

  2. Karen, I just take it out to hold it odd times of the day! I'm making so many plans for it. First I'm not going to spin it til I know exactly what I should do. The huge, heavy skein at the top is going to be a shawl. It's crying out to be a shawl Del.

  3. huh? did i say patchouli or did you pick that out? i did have patchouli in my fiber box! you've got a sensitive sniffsniff! so happy you like 'em. happy spinning/knitting!

  4. Oh Del, no you hadn't said, but I will never forget that fragrance. When it first got really popular when I was a late teenaged, early twenties person, I thought it was the smell of "grass", which, let's face it, was abundant in those times. I thought the people I smelled it on had been "puffing". I'm a very silly person so I was told, and this went on til one of my friends said, " I am going to bring you some so that you will know what it smells like." It reaked! And when it was burnt it smelled worse! Patchouli is very pleasant smelling and is also one ingredient in Taboo, the older woman's perfume, which I still love the scent of.

    Oh thank you. I will have many happy hours of knitting ahead of me now.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..