"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Birder's Blog, but many other things.

I've added a link to a blog that is very inspirational and gentle, like the man who writes it. It's sort of a Nature blog, but also a philosophical one as well.

He calls himself Old Man Lincoln

My mother loved birds. She loved everything about them and passed that love on to me.

So, It was very fitting that when she died in December of one year that in about January of the next year, as I was sitting on the beach trying to recover from the shock of losing Mother so suddenly, and thinking of her love and her gentle ways in life, when a bird flew out of, literally, the glowing mist straight toward me.

I watched it coming toward me from afar, trailing what looked like string or falconer's jesses from it's legs. As it got closer I saw that is was nearly all white except that it had some black on it's wings. It also trailed very long red feathers from it's tail. The bird came out of the mist and flew straight at me and right above my head, red bill aglow close to the ground, really, for a wild bird coming to shore.

To this day, I am sure that my mother sent that bird as a messenger to me to tell me she was alright and I would be, too. After that I got some binoculars and took up birding in earnest.

Red tailed tropicbird


  1. What a beautiful memory and what a gorgeous bird! I'm a birder as well and that would make a great addition to my life list. Humm, sounds like another reason to make a trek out west!

  2. Oh how lovely, to have that connection with your beloved mother.

  3. Mz Wabbitmom, please trek west! But remember, the tropic bird is a very occasional visitor. The conditions have to be just so for it to show up. I've never seen another one in all the ensuing years. Come anyway! I'll show you all the other bird haunts. lol

    Sharon, yes, in fact it's so strong a connection in my mind that bird song or a bird in the garden brings my mother to mind immediately. Such a comfort. Mother spent quite a bit of time in our garden. She would be agast at it now. It's a royal mess! =0)

  4. What a beautiful story and what a nice memory of your mother :-)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..