"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Esperanto and Johnny Cash, guitar pickin' mama's

Trish asked about Esperanto so I thought I'd reply in a post.

Esperanto. There are on line classes for beginner's, a dictionary, and probably products, like videos, to buy. The library has a few books, too. A couple of online friends and I are embarking on this adventure and the one of them has really researched it. She's found that between 10 and 40 million people world wide speak Esperanto, and I'm sure, since the internet, they do a lively e-mail correspondence. One of my friend's friends wrote to people all over the world, and even traveled to Paris when she was in her 70's, wearing her pin. When a Japanese man spotted her pin, he showed her the one on his coat and they started a conversation, since they shared no other language. I thought that was really wonderful. So don't worry Trish, you will find people to chat with if you learn this language. I've already been able to do simple translations because I know Spanish.

Ah, Sharon, my shoulders, hands and my throat, they are aging, badly. My back is now three inches shorter all on it's own. I have two guitars, a small dreadnought, and a full sized dreadnought. I love my big dread for the sound it has. It's a beautiful sound, but I can't hold it well at all anymore. I think of getting a Dobro sometimes, but there's a back issue. My voice is weak, a lot weaker, now. I sing very little now. It's started to warble and I've lost range. A lot of range. Can't belt it out anymore! So I enjoy other people's music and singing. The ears, apparently, are still pretty good. Yeay! "Rejoice in what you still got.", is a good motto for me!

Karen, You will love this movie. The singing is amazing. The actor/singers did an amazing job. Loving Johnny Cash's music as you do, you will enjoy hearing them both sing.

Oh.. some KNITTING content. I'm half way through the shelter pad, and it's thick and soft, and it's big enough for the mid sized animals. I got the pattern from the link under Things to Do for Others, in the side bar.

The market bag is coming along. It's rough wool and the big double points are hard to handle with so few stitches on them but soon it will be out onto the circular needle. I haven't forgotten Rissa's suggestion to knit it DEEP. =0)

I'm reading Mave Binchy's Firefly Summer and so far think it's one of her better books. It's nice to be reading a gentle book for awhile.

I'm recovering from having fallen into a funk. It's amazing when a mental blizzard blindsides you when you are having a darn good time! :-) You can't get the weapons out fast enough. You know, that force screen in the startrek movies that seals you off from it all.


  1. I can't sing so I know only too well how great it is to have at least ears that can appreciate music and lovely strong voices and dream if only.....

    Thanks for answering as I was a little hesitant to even ask you as it may have been too personal or painful, but I do know that you are an extremely positive person.

  2. Oh no worries, Sharon. I do miss my good, strong singing voice from time to time, but DH gets to hear a little whistling and warbling from time to time. I sang him part of the spoof song for "Walk the Line" the other night after a little dinner wine. Life is good if you don't weaken, they say. Hee hee

  3. Glad to hear you are recovering from your funk!

    I think it's great that you are learning another language - learning helps keep people young ;-)
    And if you don't / can't sing anymore, then at least whistle while you work.

  4. Esperanto sounds interesting. I am doing a course on learning English as a Second Language. It wouldn't be necessary if we could all speak a common language

  5. Thanks Karen, as the song says, "Canta No LLores"! I'm not sure what the word for Whistle is in Spanish. :O) But I like to whistle despite the saying, "Whistling girls and crowing hens always come to some bad ends"

    Interesting article here about Whistling, if you can stand it... hehe


    This language comes at just the right time to pep up life. It's amazing how thing work out. I'd been thinking of exploring Esperanto, and up pops a post from another person and then another, saying she wanted to learn and had started researching etc. My language of choice a few years ago was Klingon. Very hard to learn!

    Joan, are you teaching the class? How interesting. And yes, it would be nice to speak a language that was common to the whole world. Something not loaded down with ego or angst, eh?


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..