"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

We have sock toes, 2000 Socks, and Sockrafice!

At last, Rho, here they are, and they are hot off the kitchner needle. I would do this pattern again in a heartbeat. I adore it. Yukon Leaves by Lela C. I'll make that a hot link as soon as I can. Right now I can hardly see. Lol! And yes, Rho, stars can align rather quickly again especially if St. Michael comes to the rescue with that big sword of his; I do believe it. One of my favorite paintings is by Guido Reni, St. Michael Slaying the Devil. St. Michael can practice on all of my demons if he likes. ;D  Posted by Picasa


  1. WOW -- they look great - and here I was expecting to just see toes LOL Are they comfy as all get out??

  2. Beautiful indeed!! I finished my pair and gave them to DD last night. She loved them and it's actually going to be chilly enough to wear wool socks for a week or so here, so they won't just sit in the sock drawer until next fall. I need to snatch them back tho and get a pic of them to add to the gallery after all that work!!

  3. Thank you so much, vera x. This yarn was Wildfoote from Brown Sheep, from an exchange from Kim in the KR sock yarn swap of 2006. They are the most gorgeous socks in my collection, so far.

    I'm keeeeeeeping them, too. hehe Sorry Spittlebugs. They are mine...but I will make you guys some if you like them.

    Rho, indeed, they are comfy. Toasty warm and on my feet this very minute. Deliciously warm! Toes only? Oh, a toe up? ah! Now there's an art I've not yet learned.

    Wabbitmom, thanks, and congrats on your socks, too! Oh yes, snatch those puppies back and get a piccy for the album. You must have a sock album to show off all your socks! :)

  4. Beautiful socks! I love the pattern. And thanks for the link - I am printing it out right now to use for my next pair!

  5. What pretty socks; a really luscious color and pattern!

  6. They came out just lovely Zippi! :-)

  7. Thank you, so much alliesw, Trish, Rissa, and Knittinreed. The are fun to wear, too. =0)

    Knittinreed I love the way the pattern is written, with 15 stitches on each needle completing the pattern before moving on to the next needle. That sure keeps it simpler to knit.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..