"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

a little set back

I can post in here but will not be able to knit for six to eigth weeks. I have taken a fall, broken ny wrist and pulverized the top of my radial bone. Surgery is tomorrow.

I do have an instance of KIP to report. A nice lady was working on a very soft looking pale buttery yarn in the waiting room. She was using some very pretty wooden needles. I didn't get the chance to dash over and get the skinny on the garment because my name was called to get my blood test.

I will keep you posted on as much as I can in the way of developments.

One handed knitting anyone?

My sin must be Pride, as you knoe it is pride that proceedeth a fall. ;0)


  1. Oh, darlin' how terrible! I hope you aren't in too much pain, and that the surgery goes well. Keep us posted. I'll knit a row or two for you every day!

  2. So sorry to hear about your broken wrist. It is so difficult to do things one handed. Hope it heals quickly

  3. Oh, I am so sorry for you! Hope all gets better quickly.

    Use the chance to catch up on your reading :-)))))

    Sending you a big hug!

  4. Bummer, bummer, bummer...sorry to hear about the wrist.

    Take care of yourself and it will mend quicker. In the meantime...crochet? I remember being able to crochet whemn I broke my left wrist and it was in plaster. (I`m right handed.)

  5. EEK!! I'm so sorry!! I'm glad you are having it properly taken care of and hope that you will be on the mend soon. I'll be sending good healing thoughts your way : )

  6. EEEEEKKK! How did I miss this? I guess I am way behind in reading blogs. I saw the radiograph and had to scroll back to see what happened. I am so sorry!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..