"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Black and white?

As you can see, the flash has gone Kaput on my digital. This may or may not mean a new camera, Pookie.

This is as far as I've been able to inch along with the scarf but it's looking good to DH and I even like the way it's distributing colors. I can knit it literally inch by inch with the splint on. But any progress is good progress!

Alex, thank you for the new pictures on your site for Barbaro. Lovely! My nervousness about him is eased every day he gets better without re-injury.

Karen, I love that about cactus. Some of the most beautiful flowers in the world on thorny mamas!

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  1. Trish, I was thinking "Holstein" myself. LOL So very masculine :D

    KR Gals were making this last year so DD made one for her Dad for Christmas.

    It's called farrow rib, or maybe mistake stitch, and it's a three stitch repeat + 1. You cast on multiples of 3 + 1 stitch in other words.

    Row 1 is K1 P1 across, and knit the last stitch.

    Row 2 is P1 the first stitch and then K1 P1 for the remaining stitches. You just repeat those two rows.

    I am doing 34 stitches. My ww yarn, size 10 needles, and gauge make it look a lot different than DHs Bulky yarn Christmas scarf made on the same size needles, though.

  2. Verrry nice! I love that scarf! And you can't tell that it is therapy either.

    What kind of yarn is that?? (like I need to think of new yarn)

  3. Very cute. I thought it would come out a bit more flecked looking, but I luv the cow motif!! Looks like all your therapy is paying off. Hope you are getting some good reading time in too! Missed you..

  4. PS to annie. I am very glad I opted for the surgery right off the batt. The hand was so crumpled and crumbled that the really wasn't much of a choice, since surgery after 3 months in a cast was a heavy possibility anyway. Luckily I don't apparently have osteoporosis.

  5. Hi Annie and Meribeth. I was happy to see your posts this AM. BUT, I hope you didn't try that dratted pattern cause it's dead wrong. ( And I did it again!... this time it's RIGHT!)

    I can't do anything right after 10PM!! (edit)or before 8 AM apparently!\o/

    The pattern is this:

    Row 1 : K2P1 across and knit the last stitch

    Row 2 : p1, then K2P1 across to the end. Repeat the two rows. Gah! what a dooof I am.

    The pattern repeat stays the same at 3 + 1...

    Meribeth that yarn is ancient, from the 80's but its a white base with a black wrap at intervals. It's Wintuk Spectra by Columbia Minerva 5712 Black-White. Aww that's sweet of you to say, but it's got loops and other little faux paux.. sheesh
    Annie, I sure miss you. I cannot play right now or I would. I can't do the crafting or normal stuff but can defend outposts at 1 am. heehehe

    I will chat with you very, very soon (today!) so we can catch up. I've been doing a lot of reading and watching videos and otherwise laying about. I look out at my garden from the door of the little slider and sigh. The Granda flora that looked so sick in the wild garden piccie is in full bloom and just as green as can be. She must have gotten cheered up by my antics.

  6. i love the st on the scarf!
    my mom loves cactuses(sp?)

  7. Hi there, Pugknits. =o); oh, I do love cactuses and have forgiven the naughty ones.

    And yes, "Cactuses" is an accepted spelling for it. Someone told me recently, might have been my sister, that a nurseryman told her the correct term was cactuses. But I suppose that the word "cacti" won't get you arrested by the word police, either. tee hee

    Google seems to like either one, not to put to fine a "Point" on it.

    And whatever anyone does, don't get too close to a cholla. They take offense, and those babies are barbed.

  8. The scarf looks great. I was checking your knit links and I'm not in there...boo-hoo.

  9. Oh Laura, thanks, and I have about a 1/3rd of the links there that I read. I'll be happy to put yours there, asap. I like to read it so it should be there. =o)

    I'm also trying to figure out how to have them all under a single link, as some other bloggers have done. The list is way too long for the page, you see.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..