"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pictures and Updates of Barbaro

Alex gave some links, in the comments, for pictures and updates for Barbaro, the wonderful colt who is recovering from a disasterous break in his hind leg.

I put the link under fun stuff in the side bar, thought obviously it's not fun, it's a hoped for miracle. What you can see at the site is this beautiful horse in many of his races and some portraits of his configuration, and beautiful head and face. look deeply into his eyes. He has soul!

Thanks Alex. :o)


  1. thanks for the link, lets hope Barbaro continues to recover!

  2. Yes, you can see the soul, but am I imagining things? I think he is laughing at us!

    Have you read Jane Smiley's "Horse Heaven"? Barbaro's in there.

  3. Alex, let's keep wishing and hoping for those bones to knit and may Barbaro stay up on all his "pins" for a good long life. =o)

    Trish, I understand that completely. I hold my breath whenever I see that special beauty of those curved ears, the eyes bright upon me, and that arched neck. To see the fluid motion of the horse in full gallop is like seeing something Heavenly.

    Meribeth, I hope he is laughing at us. lol! He seems like a surpremely good natured horse. I haven't read that book, but I will get it asap from the library. I sooo need to look at more horses. Meanwhile, try this page. heehee..


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  6. http://www.digitaljournalist.org/issue0309/lm20.html

    If this link doesn't work, I'm going to go play in traffic.

  7. The link works.

    Zippi - get out of the road, would you ;-)

  8. Buhahahahahaha! I will do that, Karen.

    zoom zoom!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..