"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother(ing)'s Day! Hee Hee.. I took a hint here from the KR topic.

This is for all the nurturing Angels out there. You all know who you are. Mother's Day is for you all and so are my wishes for a Happy One.

This Image has been floating around cyberspace for awhile and I can't credit it to anyone in particular, but who ever did it is a genius at creating beauty in pixels.


  1. Happy Mothers Day to you!!
    What a beautiful Angel picture - thank you for sharing that one. Also glad your wrist is coming along nicely. I hope it will cause you a minimal amount of distress in the future.

  2. Right back at ya my friend : )
    Enjoy the day!


  3. knittinreed, your welcome, that's my favorite angel piccy. I'd love to see more of that CAB artist's work, too.

    Annie, wishing you a great day with the "honyoks" as my friend from Missouri used to call Kidlets.

    Trish, thanks, Luv, and I really wish this day was called "Mothering Day", for all homins who are angels of nurture and who keep this world from blowing apart at the seams. Sentient beings of all stripe benefit from the loving kindness that flows from the hearts of such angels.

  4. Thanks for the wishes and for sharing such a lovely angel picture!

  5. Thanks for stopping by, Laura and it's a pleasure to share beautiful things, so it is. =o)

  6. Hope you had a happy day too. Glad your hand is healing up so you can get back to normal soon

  7. Thanks and I hope you had a great day too, love the angel.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..