"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thank you every one

I have four more weeks at least, according to me PT provider before I can knit. I'm trying to be very, very good about all my sets and repeats in the exercises so that maybe I can get it down to three weeks. This was the second PT appointment day and the hand is coming along fabulously.

In honor of my sweet DH and all his hard work and great nursing care, I'm finishing his socks and his sweater before doing anything else at all. I want to give him these things in a timely manner.

I've had a lot of time to think. After this fall, I am getting anger, hatred and revenge out of my life and thoughts. That's it! No more for me! EW! EW! a sermon ALERT! I'll be going back to my Quaker roots but taking the path there that goes through Bottisatva Lands.

Since the Judeo Christian Deity said, "Vengeance is Mine; I will repay", I will listen to that admonition. I think He really meant it. I also choose to "be in the world but not of it". I mean to spend my meager life energy trying to do what little I can to help people who are in trouble, especially those who are in harm's way because others are obviously not listening to voices of generousity, compassion or forgiveness.

The Dali Lama was once asked if, having lost his country and his people, did that not make him very angry and vengeful. His reply was something to the effect that of course it made him very upset but did that mean he should also lose his mind? I don't want to lose mine either. I want to help people, as we are all brothers and sisters.


  1. Counting down the time till you can knit again.

    I like the sound of the new 'mellow you' but weren't you always? 45555555555kj

  2. If you are wondering what the weird numbers mean, absolutely nothing Rocky was treading over the keyboard!!!

  3. Quaker/Buddhism blend sounds good to me. It calls for emotional restraint that doesn't seem to be the "in thing" right now. It is so hard to keep from screaming at the TV or seeing the inhumanity and those in power doing nothing other than exploitation. I would like to try to join you. I try now, but not always successful.

    Keep on with the healing! Sending bone knitting vibes your way!

  4. Sharon, I am mostly mellow, but the anger meter has been rising too fast from the Night mares running loose. Oh, kt\itty on the keys. lol I thought the numbers where from a secret book of numerology. ;o)

    meribeth, this is a goal, an ongoing thing. sort of a 12 step recovery attempt and a re-newed attempt to save my sanity in a world run amok with "devils". Previously I had stopped watching TV and reading newspapers because of my irrational crying and screaming jags.

    I've now stripped all news off the start up web page as well. It really wasn't getting through to the root cause, all my ranting, but was scaring the dog and the DH. Thanks for the bone knitting vibes. The tissue knitting determines how fast I can pick up the needles again.

    Trish, it is very, VERY hard. After a life time of overtly fighting for the underdog, I'm trying to fight a different way. ;this is because the worst people alive seem to feed on our resistance.

  5. You can become our knitting guru and pass along your insights and lessons as i've always experienced learning the most when i'm sharing the subject with others : D Gentle, healing thoughts and smiles heading your way.

  6. Thanks you so much Annie. It has surely helped keep me from getting a "why me" attitude as the dust bunnies multiply and the weeds fling their little seedlets around in the wind.

    I'm really not a guru but I've been thinking a lot about unconditional love being the perfect love described by many "Gurus" and holy men. For myself, I think the only way I can actually have unconditional love for SOME people is to think of them as holograms living within a world that's not quite real. It's such a confort to feel that you could actually reach up and turn them off off at some point if you ever find that switch labeled "Back to the world of Real People"


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..