"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Answers to some mighty fine comments....

This just got waaaaaay too long for the comment room.

Oh! Please do plant more roses, Meribeth; I am going to! I'm waiting for bare roots season, and a new tortoise proof, timed watering system. Then and only then I can add "Honor" (maybe), "Peace", "Mr. Lincoln", and my second "Angel Face" as well as a deep pink and a red/white I'll pick out at the fair this week. I want two climbing roses, too, for a planned trellis. Roses are the only water intensive plant that I am going to have in the garden, so I'm going all out. Well, half way out.

And yes, Del. Grandifloras are so big, beautiful and sturdy, and with cuttable stems, that they are dazzling. They get full of blossoms all across the head of that tall plant, too. They are amazing.

Jane, did you get your color plants? Hope you are gazing out upon them at this very moment and sighing with pleasure. Spring came in winter here as usual, and arrived in full bloom. The rains really made for a lot of flowers here.

Knittinreed, thanks so much! And may those music making hands of yours be ever blessed to work perfectly. :o) Fragrant roses have made a comeback in recent years. I try to get fragrance as well as form when I pick a rose.

Still feeling pretty useless, except to serve as a bad example of a dizzy woman who can't stop trying to be a circus acrobat in the garden. What? I'm not an acrobat? And, here's to knitting, with a little liquid medicinal on the side.. *clink*

Therapist was very pleased upon hearing that I knit three hours but was he thinking this took place over three days? I thought back about it and now he MAY have said, "in total". Well, if it doesn't hurt too much, I will knit three hours a day. He didn't seem to get upset(he is soooo calm and mellow) when I told him I could only do the weights once a day (because of pain) and that I cannot massage that scar anymore. Gah! I can barely even touch it! ick ick ick... =0)


  1. I'm curious. What kind of work out does the PT have you doing?? I ask because my Dr. didn't feel like I really needed it, I guess. All he said was "go on and try to do what you normally would do." (either he had a lot of faith in me, or no use for PT)

    There is a guy in Richmond who is totally rose crazy. His front yard is roses...and stunning ones at that. For the last to years we have had drought and the local channel went to interview him to find out how he had such stunning roses in a severe dry spell. This crafty fella, dug a big hole, did the gravel, organic base, and then placed PVC pipe (about 5" diameter) next to each bush. Dry? No problem! He just fills the pipe up everyday and his bushes are happy.

  2. Meribeth, I'm going to email you about PT. I wanted to tell you my full regimen and it got rather long! I had surgery and only on one wrist, so what happened for me was probably best for my injury. I have carpal tunnel and have had cortisone shots in the left wrist, so the fast turn around for surgery seemed best. My left hand still caught the devil trying to be "maid of all work".

    That rose man in your area has a great idea. Wow! We built a raised bed here for my roses but the water tube will still work well. The mini's should have been set into the ground right away because we couldn't water them enough in their wooden tubs. I still miss those little babies. I will post a picture I found of some of the blossoms in a tiny wine glass, asap.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..