"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Apricot Nectar Rose

This beautiful grandaflora came roaring back after a sickly winter season. I thought it was going to die. It's one of the most fragrant roses I've ever had. It is almost as fragrant as Angel Face but not peppery like Angel Face. We just have these two roses left now but the plan is to add at least 6 more full sized ones at some point.  Posted by Picasa


  1. Mmmm... gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! More roses, please!

    My roses around here always give off one or two beautiful blooms, then die for good - we don't have great soil or space here, but when I move (eventually) you know I'll be surrounded by roses!

  2. Hi Amie,

    I wish I could put up more roses for you to see but those are my only two left. I used to have 13 minis and four full-sized but, alas, most of them died in water restriction times and we didn't replace them.

    Roses can be grown in containers and raised beds around here, because we live on what's called the La Mesa Agglomerate - cobbles glued together by natural cement. Maybe you can do that and have a few roses til that time comes when you get the rose garden you so truly deserve in life. :o)

  3. Love the pics of the roses. I can almost smell them.

    Several years ago, I had some roses right next to the deck, and when the first blooms came out in the spring, the living rooms smelled down right sexy! But they went the way of all living things. To little water, to much shade from the growing trees in the back. Ahhh, but they were loved and appreciated while they were here.

    Humm, may be I'll plant roses in the front next year. If the shade doesn't ruin my plans.

    Feeling of being totally useless? Well put! I felt like a 2 year old, and I was afraid my "intellect" would start to match from watching to much day time TV.

    Yes, it is a no-no when weight lifting interferes with knitting. You have to work on the fine motor skills right? Rum and coke, a natural analgesic.

  4. What beautiful blooms! I haven't even begun to garden this year (translation: I haven't stopped at the garden center to pick up a couple of pots of blooming stuff). I'll have to do it this week!

  5. Lovely roses! The fragrances draw me in too-

    Your socks look good too. Glad to hear your knitting is going well and yout PT is making progress- I do understand the pain. Good luck and best wishes for a complete recovery.

  6. oh, what a beautiful shade! love grandifloras....


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..