"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Tiny Roses

These are the sweetest little things.
All my mini's came from a place that was called Tiny Petals which was a local company. The woman who started it was an hybridizer of some repute. I don't know what's become of the business, I just know that it was sold by the daughter after she ran it for years, too. The Pink rose is Pink Porcelaine, and that's the only name I remember at the moment. The one at the back/left, which looks like the rose, Peace, really did look like Peace. I had so much fun while it lasted.  Posted by Picasa


  1. Oh those are really pretty. I love tiny roses -- as much as I love roses you would think I would have some growing wouldn't you LOL

  2. Aww Rho, minis are easy to grow, and very easy to start from cuttings. But then, you'd have another hobby and less time to knit! But, it's worth it, really it is. Start with two. I'm not putting a mini rose in a pot again and that's a fact. Here, with brutal summer heat, they will go into the ground,with their big sisters, so they can be watered by drip irrigation.

    Trish, I used to dry the blooms in that white stuff. What the heck is it called? And, alas, then one day the mother plants were no more.. Sadly, they are all motes, probably floating in the latest Asian influence, the dust cloud from China that made the news recently.

  3. Love those roses! I have drastically cut back on my old garden rose collection...At my former residence I had 35 wonderful plantings including an old Alba, now I'm down to two due to the "lay of the land" but I have many, many other beautiful plantings to keep me happy :-).

  4. Hi there, LadyVi. I've seen those gardens of yours. In my next life, as a native bird, I could live there in the shrubbery, a very happy life, or maybe in a hole in a tree as a nuthatch. But, I promise not to be a woodpecker or sap sucker. Alba would be very hard rose to leave behind indeed.

    Hi Karen, and thanks. :) I love your tulips which this hot climate will not let me keep more than one year, with the exception of the tiny yellow ones in that pot.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..