"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The County Fair, and some unwanted excitement on the home front.

We went to the Fair yesterday to work the Information booth in the Gem and Mineral Building. The trekker socks went with me, and I would knit a little and put the splint back on, knit a little, etc. My mind and heart were at home with Jazzie which I will explain in a minute.

Besides the little kids digging for polished stones, which is always a lot of fun to watch and to help them with, I met a couple of knitters. It's great to chat with knitters for the same reason, their enthusiasm is inspiring and cheerful. One of them had been knitting as long as I have, and she said she knit continental. I had to show her my mixed style, which is called combination, and showed her why I couldn't do continental. Guess what, I had no trouble at all handling the yarn with my left hand. We both laughed!

My little dog has been having seizures, and Thursday he had the two worst that he's had since they started a week ago. We called the vet from our friends' house where we had been all afternoon, and the vet said to bring him in. We had friends with us who had ridden over to the brunch with us, and they just came right along and kindly sat in the waiting room til DH could get away to take them home. We had to get from the beach area, through rush hour traffic clear to the edge of civilization in Jamacha in 45 minutes. It was quite stressful. As we finally were leaving, he had another seizure, so we rushed back into the closing facility and the vet got to see exactly what we had been trying to describe. He's been having partial seizures where he doesn't quite lose consciousness. She gave us a supplement to give him twice daily that is to control seizure by calming the neurons, if I remember rightly. Part of this whole thing is a blur. He hasn't had another seizure but we will be out of the woods only after a month of him being free of them, to know if this medicine is going to work. If it doesn't, then it's an eeg, and/or an mri to find out exactly what's wrong. He's sooooo worth it. But I have to say that I'm glad we don't have the five tiny dogs that I originally wanted to have. One is definitely enough for this woman.

All the blood work is back and there's nothing there, the ex-rays showed nothing wrong inside. The blood sugar levels were normal, so it wasn't hypo glycimic episodes...

AT the fair, I succeeded in rolling a corn dog full of the beastly day glow mustard up the front of my pants and onto my top. Today I got it all out again. It went up hill because I was leaning back in a bench that was quite low so my knees were slightly raised. But... DH was very sweet and bought me an ice cream cone and calmed me down, and we went on to the Hobby/Home show. We saw many beautiful baskets and quilts and gorgeous knitted things as well as a rubber duckie collection. There were other collections, but the ducks made me smile largely and got my vote even though they had to go head to head with a Pigs with Wings Collection. I wasn't in the mood for pictures that day so we left that camera home. Just think, I might have sobbed on it when the corn dog rolled up the front of my favorite little top! Gah!


  1. Despite the day-glow mustard, it sounds like quite a wonderful summer day.

    Give Jazzy a hug for me - am crossing all fingers and toes that the meds will take care of it :-)

  2. My bro had a dog who had seizures all her life, and they left her drained and bewildered. I'll be sending extra energy to you and Jazzy, and hoping for the best.

  3. I wish I could have been with you when you had your corn dog accident, because I know I would have made you feel better. I am one of "those" who will get something like mustard, ketchup, gravy, etc. down the front of me. We could have been a matching set!

    Poor pup! My MIL has a dog that suffered from seizures and the vets couldn't find anything wrong. So she decided to change his food to organic dog food and it worked. I don't think Rufus has had one since.

    Hugs to Jazzy and his family. And sending healing vibes your way.

  4. Our old family dog had seizures as well in his old age. It was a very hard thing to watch, but that was years ago and not much could be done. I sure hope this medicine continues to help.

    Fairs and food on a stick!! Yum, yum!

  5. The fair sounds like fun - and if I were next to you you wouldn't have felt bad about the mustard - I manage to wear everything I eat or drink -- it is a rare talent you know :D and somehow I manage to get things that don't come out on me -- but I should have stock in those portable cleaner things ....

    I'm happy they have some meds to give Jazzy to help her - poor thing and poor you - it is hard to watch our fur babies have problems

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  7. Aww Zip, poor LRD. You and I could support the entire veterinary profession on the west coast between your dog and mine. But you are right they are so worth it.....for the most part. ((((Hugs))))

  8. Could we EVER, Terri, but so far I think you are ahead! Sure do hope the T Man is doing well, bless his paws, bones, and heart.

    Thanks for those Hugs. Jazzie liked them, too. ((((Hugs)))) back for you and wee Tucker.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..