"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Blogger is busy Let's see if this goes as a post rather than a comment.

Thank you all so much, we appreciate the support. Karen, those fingers and toes have got to help. Solidarity! Jane, Meribeth and Annie, you have seen the seizures then, so you know their affects. They are horrible to watch and you feel so helpless. When he doesn't know us, and runs from us in fear, that is really hard to take. Thanks for all your good wishes, too.

One great thing about the advance in medicine is that it's advanced Veterinary medicine, too. And the price of mri's and eeg's have come down a lot for animals, too.

Meribeth, I'm hoping that it may be food related, but it happens in mid afternoon so far, and the vet can't relate it to anything that he is eating.

Rho, Trish and Yarn-nut, thanks so much for you kind thoughts, and this little guy I would die for. He's that far up on the list for me.

On to the food wearing fashion show. Ah! So many of us wear our food. ;o) hehe I don't feel so alone now but I really felt like a slob walking around the home show and the rest of the fair. I put my knitting bag against my body as much as possible. Turmeric, an ingredient in that yellow mustard, does make a great yellow dye I'm told. I was at the point of taking one of the sponge sticks that ceramicist use, they look like a corn dog, and daubing the whole tee top with more mustard in a rolling dog pattern. But the Oxiclean worked the final magic.


  1. Zippi! Great post. MMMMM corn dawgs-yall hep me!

  2. Hi Sue!

    Those dawgs are zee best but next year, I bring a bib!

  3. Oxiclean to the rescue. What did we do before it came on the scene?

  4. OMG. you have a pet rooster, jessie! Tres Cool! Thanks for peeking in so I could peek out at your rooster. Mine was called Bully, a huge White Leghorn. He as fun to have following me around. I was only about 8 years old. Still looking for the picture and will post the darn thing when it's found.

    Pre- Oxiclean?. Well, I do know there was no extra money for me before Big O because a lot of stuff went to the dry cleaners. There were some serious $$$$ flying out the windows... *flap flap flap*


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..