"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Just a note on the Mini Roses

I found two of the mini roses at the fair. The one on the right rear is called Heart Breaker, and it's one of the best of the minis. And the one that looks like a little Peace rose is called Rainbow's End.


  1. I love the mini roses! I have one planted in a pot in my backyard ... and the flowers are blooming ... they are so lovely!
    I am making a lot of those crocheted book marks because they are really good presents. I will be sending one each to the ladies in my husband's family.

  2. Hi Agnes, thanks for stopping by. :o)

    Aren't Mini's sweet little roses? I'm glad you are enjoying yours. They are such good bloomers. Cheery..

    My sister has three in wooden tubs in her tiny condo garden. She had about five on a balcony of an apartment one time, and I was always afraid the balcony would fall off. =o\

    Your book marks are so sweet. Just right in size and easy to find if you coil it up somewhere.

  3. Hi roo-bee-faye. You're welcome. I love your sweet blog.

    Oh yes, hang onto the drawings and when your DD starts writing save that, too. Those are some of the treasures of motherhood. All children draw so naturally. It's how they share their inner world. Good bless crayolas and tempera paints!

    Right now I'm knitting the Moooo scarf and some trekkerXXl hiking socks for my DH. I don't have much power in my hand to wrestle with his green Aran sweater but when I do, it will be growing slowly along with new cotton socklets for my DDs. After that, I'm making a laceweight Birch shawl for Moi!

  4. Sweet of you to say..*blushing* Aw shucks. kicks toe.. And, roo-bee-faye, you should plan a project for yourself soon. Something to keep you warm this winter maybe? Happy knitting and mothering.

  5. Hi Z from the island down under! I just kinitted a scarf these hols - multi Japanese wool, what a treat, esp as our roses are naked right now - try your mail too.

  6. Hey there C! Glad you found me again. It couldn't have been easy. You are a good hunter! Your addy went defunct sometime ago.

    Got the mail. What a cold winter you have had. No wonder no blooms on the roses yet.

    I'd love to see your scarf. You knit so beautifully!

  7. I think mini roses are so delicate and lovely! I haven't tried the crocheted bookmarks yet, but I will! :)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..