"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Who Knew?

WEll, I stopped knitting so much and this morning is the first morning post op, that I woke up without swollen and sore fingers. So, I'm just going to work out with weights and leave the EXTREME knitting to later.

Update on the Little Red Dog is that we went HEREand watched the videos. We are pretty sure that Jazz has epilepsy, now. He's having pretty classic Grand Mal Seizure, without losing consciousness. The heat is not helping either. In the big scale of things, Life on earth is pretty horrible for people who are a lot more aware of their surrounds. Also, he IS a breed with a 10-15 year life span, and the cause of the seizures now must be found if possible.

I am trying to not be getting all emotional about this anymore because Life itself is just full of surprises; balance and perspective tells me that our human friends have some very serious issues, and it would be unseemly to be expecting them to chat about Jazz's problems. He is still very young seeming, played like a puppy after his seizure yesterday, and otherwise healthy, so I need to be realistic here. His tenth birthday is tomorrow. Ten candles in a hamburger patty?

Going to go watch a movie with DH. "The World's Fastest Indian" Should be fun.


  1. I'm so sorry the meds don't seem to be working. It sometimes takes a while for them to kick in, so maybe patience is the trick or a change in dosage. I assume dogs ramp up on the dosage just like humans. Dogs or people, they all have a place in our hearts and we hurt and worry all the same.

  2. At least they've diagnosed it properly; they will get the meds working too, I am sure!

    Hug the little birthday guy for me and give him an extra patty.

    Take care of that hand!

  3. Wabbitmom, thanks so much for your thoughts. The next two weeks will tell if he needs Phenobarbital or not, which is what they start out treating epilepsy with, and go up from there. They also might ramp up the dose of Vitre-DMG. They use this stuff on budgies so there must be a big spread. It's Called Vitre-DMG.

    Thanks Trish, I'll pass a hug to Jazzy from you. The movie.. it was about Burt Munro, a New Zealander who holds land speed records at Bonneville, and how he did it. Lovely movie. The "Indian" in question is a motorcycle.

    roo-bee-faye, thanks, I think it will work out as long as we have hit on the right diagnosis. If it isn't a collapsing trachea, which is a more remote possibility, I think we've nailed it. Also, we loved the movie. It is more for adults but there are no "hot" scenes in it. It's just very well done. I like the pace of it.

    Karen thanks, too. And I will give the little fellow a hug and an extra meat ball. He likes meat balls, too. DH makes them for us all. I think we'll take Jazz to a pet store and see if there's anything there for him. He's an only child and a little bit spoiled.

  4. So glad you woke up painless! Fantastic! A big very big moment!

    And Jazzy! Congrats and many happy returns! Happy Birthday to an aawwww factor, adorable Pup! I would love to give him a hug.

  5. ....and a DH that makes meat balls? Lucky you!

  6. Meribeth, Jazz loves people and expecially women! He sends back a high five. He has a high ratio cuteness factor, according to the ladies. Men sometimes even think he's cute. Go figure. heehee

    Ah yes, the DH has taken over the cooking, and makes very good stuff. Yum!

    Sorry the picture is so fuzzy but the candle fooled the white balance on the camera.

  7. many, many hugs :)....

    how true....the more aware you are, the more you feel....

  8. Pugknits, Hi there. How are your puggy babies?

    We humans are so aware of our surroundings and the people in them that we suffer a lot of anxiety. A cat seems to have no anxiety but a dog seems to care mostly about pack separation. As long as the pack is together, grooms the alpha male, and not fighting all the time amongst themselves, and is sharing the food in an equable way, a dog stays mentally health. hee hee.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..