"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Jazz made it to ten years. Happy Birthday you spoiled brat!

This is Jasper and me when he was about a year old, I think. He hadn't faded out yet to the Red Gold color he is now.

When we first got him, he had to be trained not to attack big dogs. He had been raised with standard poodles the first 10 weeks and already knew they would back off if he attacked. All big dogs won't do this! We were never convinced that we would still have him at ten years but he's certainly mellowed a lot.


  1. And here I was thinking he was a regular big dog, instead of the big-inside boy that he is! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hang in there, everybody!

  2. Happy Birthday Jazz - hope mom is giving you something special for a treat today :D

    My Cocoa (choc. lab) thought horses were big dogs and would bark at them - I was never sure if she was trying to get them to play, intimidate them or herding them. Sure wasn't retrieving them hehehe

  3. happy birthday jazz! and thanks for stopping by my blog :-)

  4. Hi Jane. Thanks! :) We are hanging in there and drinking lots of cooling water. It was 100 degress in the shade patio yesterday with high humidity. He is a little guy, and when we first got him, at two and a half months old, he could curl up in my two hands and sleep. He could stand up on one of my hands, and I'd balance him there. We never guessed he would stay so small.

    Rho, the Birthday Boy ate his "cake" and then had another one. I think dogs do think horses are just bigger dogs. Jazz used to bark at the horses, and he acted all "overprotective" if they came up to the fences.

    Hi Vanessa, and thanks for coming by and for the good wishes. You have a fun blog, and I love the story of the "monster" you've created. :o) Someday I want to be a good spinner like you, too.

  5. I finally found a picture of you in a june post... Hello back to you... Where do you live???

  6. Hi Teresa, Thanks for stopping by the blog. That picture of Jazz and me is nine years old and I am a lot older and no wiser, with the gray hair to prove it.

    I live near the ocean now, and I say this because we almost got to live right down on it when we first rented a house here, and then when we bought our first house, we were only a mile from the Pacific Ocean.

    That's the closest I'd ever lived to the ocean that I adored my whole growing up days in Southern California. I live in San Diego, as far South as Southern California goes. I would move to Central Coast in a heartbeat, like that will ever happen. LOL


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..