"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Birthday Meat Ball

  He is afraid of the lit candle so we didn't try that one again.

Ah, to be 10 again! Not really. I am happy to be my own age, well, not happy but content, that is if I can sneak into a spa for a face lift.

Jane, he is called Little Brave Heart sometimes. Paraphrasing the Bard, "Though he be but small, he is fierce!"

I never thought we'd get this far together. Life is very good. Posted by Picasa


  1. How perfect - I bet he loved it once you took the candle out LOL


  2. Happy Birthday Jazz! May you have many, many more!

  3. Birthday meatball? Birthday meatball! Kayo is slavering with jealousy. Happy birthday Jazz.

  4. Thatsa meatsa ball fita for a king!! Happy birthday Jasper!! I only hope his footman and lady-in-waiting got a nibble as well : )

  5. Happy BTY
    Happy BTY
    Happy BT Jazz
    Happy BTY..............


  6. Jazz has happily received his Birthday wishes and sends is best regards to all the well wishers, with a woof and no whines.

    Rho, perfect it was, very unlike the freeze dried liver treat with candle on his first birthday. I had to drill a hole in that thing!

    Karen, Jazz thanks you. He thinks his life as the reigning alpha male needs just a little more earth time for perfecting the beta male's groveling. :)

    Jane, thanks for looking at the meatball and declaring it royally sweet. heehee

    Lanea, please tell dear Kayo that the recipe is easy and overnight mail is not uncommon in the kingdom.

    wabbitmom, we snuck a few when the King's back was turned. It's sooo fun to be a minion.

    trish, heehee.. and too true! There oughter be a law on the books! "Dogs Rule", or something like that.

    Pugknits, Jazz says, "Right back atcha". We sang to him too.

    Anyone heard this verse?

    Happy Birthday to you,
    You live in a Zoo,
    You act like a monkey
    And you smell like one, too.

    (We think he secretly wants to be a monkey)

  7. What a cute and lucky dog! It's weird how his color changed as he aged. We have an insane puppy. We "rescued" her a few months ago. She's part Corgi and I think part black lab.
    Happy Birthday to Jazz, you cutie!

  8. Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog! Yes, my cats definitely have a fun time here and love when I get new yarns that I forget to put away right away!!!


  9. Hiya ar, and thanks for the look in. Oh boy, those Corgis! You will have a lot of fun because they love to play! But the Lab will balance out the total insanity. heehee. Corgis are so darn cute. Red poodles are notorious for fading out, like the apricot ones. Some of the reds stay red and they are very rare indeed.

    Hey there Adriane. Nice to see you. Cats are the best knitting companions because they think if they could just hold the needles, they'd have NO trouble knitting the fun stuff Mom brings home in big bags just for THEM. heehee. Gotta love Catitude.

  10. Happy Birthday Jazz!
    Thanks for checking out my blog with my mischievious cats! Love your blog & the pics too!


  11. I added a link to your blog on mine. I hope that's ok? Thanks

  12. Adriane, thanks for the Birthday wishes for J. He's still dreaming about that meatball we think- smacking his lips in his sleep- twitching. heehee He loves them. I think your blog is grand. It's on my perma-read list, too.

    AR, thanks and yes, it's just fine. I am pleased. =0)

    I have a huge list I read and want to figure out how to get everyone on a link list like some other bloggers have done. Time and brainwave "wakey wakey", I need to get the two together!

    The heat is starting to abate, but I feel like Reet, in that Azimov Sci-Fi tale. Keeping sharp impliments out of my hands, atm.

  13. Oddly, my dogs are about to turn 11. Everyone in this house has Cancer as their sun sign. Even our regular company, friends who come up on average of once a month, fall into that time frame. Spooky! :-D

  14. That IS spooky, Rissa. But makes for harmony, too, right?

    BTW, Happy Birthday, whenever it falls/fell in the span.

  15. thank you jazz, love your puppy breath!*taking another sniff of your muzzle*

  16. Happy Birthday Jazz! May you stay on duty for many more years.

    and wasn't The World's Fastest Indian a treat? I stumbled upon it in Netflix and watched it a few days ago - what a sleeper!

    Now - rest those fingers - pet dogs.

  17. Pugknits, a woof and a nuzzle from Jazz, who has started to play again. He has started to want to be in my lap again. He's getting his brain back. :D

    Hiya Bess, Jazz is on the road to recovery. We are hoping it was just a "spell" he went through, as sometimes this does happen, both to cats and to dogs.

    Also, I loved that movie, a great movie! When DH first mentioned it, I thought of Jim Thorpe. *winks* at Trish. I didn't even remember the motorcycle. Harley really took over, didn't it.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..