"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, July 3, 2006

Old Evidence of Extreme Knitting speeds.

I was reading Ngiao Marsh's book, Tied Up in Tinsel, and came across this little exchange between three characters.

The Scene: Troy Alleyn ( who is the wife of Inspector Alleyn of Scotland Yard) has just entered the Forrester's suite, specifically the bedroom of the Forrester's which they are occupying in the Manor House of Hillary Bill-Tasman, an effete snob of the upper class but otherwise nice guy. Moult, the man servant of Colonel Forrester has gone missing, and the house staff, ex convicts from a nearby prison are suspected of doing away with him. Troy has been sent to entice the Forrester's to dinner in the Hall.

"‘Colonel Forrester was in bed and awake. He was propped up on pillows and had the looks of a well-washed patient in a children's ward. Mrs. Forrester sat before the fire knitting ferociously.

‘Thought you might be Moult',she said.
Troy explained her errand. At first it looked as if Mrs. Forrester was going to turn her down flat. She didn't want any dinner, she announced, and in the same breath said they could send up a tray.
‘Do go, B,' her husband said. "I;m perfectly well. You only fuss me, my dear. Sitting angrily about.'
‘I don't believe for a moment they've really looked for him I said----‘
'All right then, You look. Go and stir everybody up. I bet if you go, they'll find him.'

If this was cunning on the part of the Colonel, it was effective. Mrs. Forrester rammed her knitting into a magenta bag and rose.' "

My question is this. Was this a sock Mrs. Forrester was knitting so ferociously? Also, the size of the magenta bag is left to the reader's imagination, but not the color. Is there a reason for this? Did old dears turn into Magenta fans even back in the time that Ngiao Marsh was writing her Alleyn Mysteries? I must research this more thoroughly.

Meanwhile, it has cooled off here, I have just one more week of physical therapy, and I need strength in the hand and fingers. Pulling my hair out doesn't do it.

Jasper is holding his own. The medicine seems to be reducing the seizures and I'm sure cooler weather would be even better. It was when the hot weather set in that this all started.

Today I'm knitting on the trekkers with the hope of finishing them by the end of the week for pictures.


  1. I would never "ram" my knitting into a bag - might break the (wooden) needles in the process!

    Good to hear that the meds for Jazzy are working :-))

  2. Hiya Roo-bee-faye. Mrs. Forrester is elderly, and seems really crusty during most of the book, but reveals her total devotion to, and protection of, her husband in the later chapters. She is definitely a force to be reckoned with, so I say purple is appropriate in this case.

    Karen I certainly agree with you! She was probably not knitting socks, or even a tam, because the needles would have broken or else struck back like the little sharp, pointy devils they are! =0)

    Also, Jazzie sends "Thank you's". He let's us know, by playing with his toys and fetching them once in awhile, that he feels like he's getting his brain back again.

  3. Oh boy, I wish I could get mine back, too!

    *Lets* us know...

    And Roo-bee-faye, I meant to say that purple is MORE appropriate, in this case. In the book about when we.. er.. reach a certain age.. and which is now a "bible" for the Red Hat Societies, purple is the color for rebellion against convention. heehee Especially when worn with red hats.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..