"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Knitting Away the time...

I've had weights added to the PT torture- thank you Stephen, and a couple of people who posted here know exactly what that means, I'm sure. That's when gritty determination is what gets you through it all. Meribeth, how you got through this with two wrists I cannot imagine. So far I've stayed off the pain meds because they make me sleep during the day, and it's already hard to get to sleep at night anyway. I think I'm on Tokyo time!

The knitting keeps me from doing too much whining though because the trekkerXXL boot socks are coming along so well. I found that I'd only gotten one of the pair up to the gussets before I had to stop knitting on them. I thought that I'd never be able to manage gussets at this time but they went in like a dream. I've never had such an easy time of that fiddly little area.

Today was Knit in Public Day, and I raced outside.. well, actually I walked carefully outside, and put the little black sock bag down on the jeep to knit a bit on my wall, while the sun set. At about the same time I noticed a commotion and two police cars. An 85 year old neighbor had had some sort of trouble with teenagers on skateboards while walking. He called the police to get them off the sidewalk, I'm sure. Nice neighbor, very nice kids, but the sidewalk's not the place for a skateboard. So, I knit out there as all this was going on, so that I could join the worldwide movement of K.I.P. I am so proud.

The scarf is coming along and will take two more skeins before it's long enough to bind off. It is looking more and more like an ad for Tom and Jerry's. Lol..

Pictures tomorrow of some VIP(Very important Progress)! Yeay!


  1. One day you will concur a simple task that you never thought about Before, but became something that had to be thought out. The next day you won't be able to do it, but the third and forth it is automatic again. It was a roller coaster and knowing that I had to keep in mind that OK, I hurt today and I can't manage A, but for some reason I was able to B. And I had to look for those little tiny steps and use them to keep the spirit up. And I kept in mind my FIL, who is a hard headed, feisty, rough as a cob nice guy who fought (and is still fighting!) his way back from cancer, a stoke that wasn't treated right away, back surgery, and now knee replacement. I had nothing to whine about.

    BUT do NOT think that I was a quietly suffering I-am-going-to-beat-this without having my (strong) moments of bitching, whining, pissing, and general self pity! I really started to have my moments and periods of overt insanity the last weeks of the casts. Oh my poor DH. When the Dr. replaced the casts, he really tightened down on them...and they pinched badly across the back of the hand....and I was so tired of them. And when Roy told me that he was going out of town the day my casts were to come off....well, I was a whining, crying P O'd poster child for The Martyr of the Year!

    Girlfriend, you are allowed insanity! It is your right! And you are allowed to be timid about certain things. Mine was driving and steps....and stepping on the cats. You are allowed to be human. And a year from now, you are allowed to feel down in the dumps when you find that your wrist still hurts when you do something. For me it is gardening....damn.

    Oh, btw, I didn't do many painkillers either. I relied on Crown Royal, lol

    Give yourself a big healing hug from me.

  2. Oh how I hated the adding of weights or the adding of weight to the weights in PT ugh....

    I didn't get out to KIP yesterday -- so you did better than me :D

  3. Meribeth, I am soooo glad that I can be certifiably insane, even if only temporarily, because it's a lot better than feeling totally useless. Ahem. I told DH that I felt that way, totally useless, and he told me, "Remember, no one is totally useless..." with a crooked little smile on his face. I like that Martyr of the Year Poster Child image. Lol! Oh no... gardening hurts? Wahhhhh! Oh Crappola, what can I say? Darn, those weedkins will have to yield to a one handed, child sized hoe I guess! And I'm tempted to have a couple of Rum and cokes some evenings. tee hee.... medicinal ones. *wink*

    Yarn_nut, Hi there CP sista, and thanks for your words. Chronic Pain really is an big bummer. We've all learned pretty fast to poke at it with our sharp little tongues and wit. I'm sorry to hear that you have such a sucky Auto-immune disease. It's a good thing that knitting calms us down enough to bite back!

    When you think of it, not many seem to be left alone, to be in good health, these days if they are over the age of 2 minutes! I swear that auto-immunes are growing at a horrid rate. Stress is a big factor and of course it would be around your finals time. Lots of stress there. Knit on my friend!

    Rho, I knew you would understand the added weights issue on a very personal level. Sheesh. Hope you are getting good sleep and are dreaming of multi colored socks flying off your needles like butterflies... BTW, I saw that cute sock of yours on your blog. Very beautiful yarn and great beginnings. =o)

    Pictures of the stuff is coming tonight if it's still light enough or tomorrow. I had to cut out another knot, in the charming "old country" acrylic and do another russian join in the scarf. To avoid further suprises, I'd have gotten out the ball winder and done up the new skein - if I only had a brain.....


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..