"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Here's a vegan Picture!

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  1. Not me, Rissa, not anymore.

    Oh dear, you didn't want a book but you are getting one I think.. I'm so bad!

    Though I am a knowledgeable vegetarian cook and know just about every bean that grows in the world, I am now a confirmed carnivore. It's sad for the other animals but I tried vegetarian for 7 long years when the girls were growing up. It didn't give me enough of whatever I needed, because I had an undiagnosed case of Gouty arthritis. So you can imagine what was happening to my body on a steady diet of legume related foods.

  2. I used to be vegetarian too, but I went back to eating meat after a couple of years. I have anemia and iron-deficiency and it was much worse when I stopped eating red meat. LOL

    I never imagined being vegan though...I always ate milk products when I was a vegetarian. LOL

  3. Lovely photo - I hope your Thanksgiving was too! :-)

  4. Oh yes, Rissa, that was part of it, too. Now I have to take no iron vitamin tabs I've got so much iron in my blood. lol Vegan is very hard, so we did that part of the time and then went to ovo the other half of that time. I don't know how to keep a kid going on a vegan diet.

    Karen, Hi! I must travel to your blog to see if you got more snow. I hope that you are still looking forward to the season.

    Thanksgiving was lovely, thanks. It was a very nice family time, and great food, too. The holiday fare is so delicious. Then the newest sock knitter in the family showed off her first pair. T'was fun.

    Today is DH's 65th. He's opened his cards and presents and we will go out to dinner tonight; it will be just the two of us or maybe with my Sis and her Hubby.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..