"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Evil Son of a French Market Bag


The Red Bag, on it's way to becoming a shocking Pink!

After washing it in my own front loader twice and drying it in the home dryer, we put the French Market Bag through two commercial washers and dryer. Then after toting up the mileage, the quarters and the angst, we decided that the old fashion way, Boiling it to within an inch of it's life and using a potato masher on it, might save my project and stop our carbon footprint from sinking through the asphalt on the way to the only laundromat in the county, apparently, which still had top loading machines.

So, I froze the bag, dry, in the freezer, ripped it out and plunged it into boiling water in the biggest pan in the house. For 15 minutes it bubbled away, popping red water all over the stove and down the side while I pounded it with the huge wooden spoon and the masher. I then picked it up and plunged it into the coldest water I could get in the kitchen sink. If I could have had snow, I'd have flung it out the back door into a snow bank and run the car over it for five minutes.

I viciously rung the darn thing out, slammed it into the dryer and narrowly missed sticking a trio of fist sized rocks we have laying around the place in with it. DH had suggested it earlier, but had not meant in OUR machines. Too delicate.
This will all be repeated tomorrow. Posted by Picasa


  1. Evil son indeed! Hope it behaves soon!! :)

  2. Holy smokes!! I didn't realize felting was sooo... err... aerobic!!?? I think i'll make a nice cell phone cover for my first felting project...

  3. Well, AR, it's getting the same treatment one more time, and then I will decided what to do from there. It is still too big for a hat; however it should be ok for keeping both my feet warm at the computer. *sighs in her contemplation of a foot warmer with handles.*

    Wabbitmom, yes, felting can be trying. Very Trying. I would start with a nice cell phone cover. I'm not sure I'll ever felt anything this big ever again. Everything that could go wrong in felting is so comical that it's worth a read of the Knitlist just to read about it. :D

  4. Wow...I just tossed mine in with either a sheet or some blue jeans and ran through the first part of the cycle a few times...and bingo. :-) Mine actually fulled a little more than I wanted.

  5. Well darn it, Rissa. That means that this is not a good felting yarn, though it tested out fully wool, and heavy as h e double hockey sticks. You would think that a weaver's wool would felt like crazy.

    Baguette has now been through a machine so hot that DH couldn't keep his hand on the glass door more than a few seconds and he's the asbestos fingered one around here. I think I'll have to be happy with it as is. I'll just make it a nice full hide leather liner for stability. Just Kidding! I actually like the purl side best for texture. It's just too bad I sewed the ends into that side. oooops!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..